No one ever talks about…

No one ever talks about having to poop so badly in the middle of a feeding. This is my first child, and I’m exclusively breastfeeding. I felt so guilty having to snatch my little one off and dash to the bathroom. Hahaha, I can’t be the only one this has happened to :frowning: Thankfully, she didn’t cry.

I wasn’t breastfeeding but bottle feeding. I took the bottle out, stood up with the baby, grabbed my cell phone, dashed to the bedroom, tossed the phone into the rolling bassinet, and carefully placed the baby in it too. I rushed to the bathroom, hitting door frames, rugs, and walls lightly as I hustled. I parked right in front of the toilet and never took my pants off so fast! The baby just watched in awe, and when he got fussy, I put on some dancing fruit on my phone to distract him—screen time or not, I just needed a moment.

We have a little rocking chair that vibrates and bounces when the baby moves, and I keep it in the bathroom just in case.

:joy: I can just imagine you bumping into everything with that rolling bassinet! :joy: What bobbing chair do you use that bounces? I need it!

Cael said:
:joy: I can just imagine you bumping into everything with that rolling bassinet! :joy: What bobbing chair do you use that bounces? I need it!

I’m cracking up over the door frame too :joy::joy:

Cael said:
:joy: I can just imagine you bumping into everything with that rolling bassinet! :joy: What bobbing chair do you use that bounces? I need it!

Ingenuity Keep Cozy 3-in-1 Grow With Me Vibrating Bouncer Seat & Infant to Toddler Rocker


Amazon Price History:

Ingenuity Keep Cozy 3-in-1 Grow with Me Vibrating Baby Bouncer Seat & Infant to Toddler Rocker, Vibrations & Toy Bar, 0-30 Months Up to 40 lbs (Spruce)

  • Rating: :star::star::star::star:☆ 4.6 (3,156 ratings)

  • Current price: $49.98 :+1:

  • Lowest price: $41.99

  • Highest price: $59.99

  • Average price: $52.86

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01-2024 $49.98 $59.89 ██████████████
05-2023 $49.98 $49.98 ██████████████
04-2023 $49.98 $59.99 ██████████████
03-2023 $49.98 $59.99 ██████████████
02-2023 $49.98 $59.99 ██████████████
01-2023 $49.98 $49.98 ██████████████
12-2022 $41.99 $52.99 ████████████
11-2022 $41.99 $41.99 ████████
08-2022 $44.99 $52.99 ████████
06-2022 $52.99 $52.99 ████████████
05-2022 $50.99 $52.99 ██████████

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Thank you! This is perfect because everything else stops at 20 lbs and my baby’s already 21 lbs. Thank you!

This made me laugh so hard because it’s so relatable lol

I had norovirus and had to puke over my baby (into a bucket) while breastfeeding. Fortunately, she didn’t catch it during the days I was sick. This is definitely not something I imagined pre-baby!

Reilly said:
I had norovirus and had to puke over my baby (into a bucket) while breastfeeding. Fortunately, she didn’t catch it during the days I was sick. This is definitely not something I imagined pre-baby!

Oh god, I’m so sorry :cry:

Reilly said:
I had norovirus and had to puke over my baby (into a bucket) while breastfeeding. Fortunately, she didn’t catch it during the days I was sick. This is definitely not something I imagined pre-baby!

I just had norovirus a few days ago and had to juggle puking into a bucket while pooping (in hindsight, maybe I should’ve swapped the order). Thankfully, the baby slept through it all. I’ve never been more grateful or jealous!

I’m so sorry this happened to you, but thank you for giving me a laugh with the image of switching the order! :joy:

Vic said:
I’m so sorry this happened to you, but thank you for giving me a laugh with the image of switching the order! :joy:

It was awful!!! I was already over the toilet, and the force of it was expelling substances from below, so I grabbed a trash can and shoved it under! My memory has glazed over (like labor) so now it’s funny, but I genuinely thought I might die at the moment :joy:

Reilly said:
I had norovirus and had to puke over my baby (into a bucket) while breastfeeding. Fortunately, she didn’t catch it during the days I was sick. This is definitely not something I imagined pre-baby!

Ah nooo. Getting norovirus was brutal! My husband and I took turns looking after our son. Thankfully, we got sick on different days. We couldn’t eat or keep liquids down for 24 hours. I can’t imagine breastfeeding while puking at the same time.

I just held her while I went and then called my husband to get her once she was done nursing so I could wipe :joy: I blame the stool softeners I took right after birth!

Blane said:
I just held her while I went and then called my husband to get her once she was done nursing so I could wipe :joy: I blame the stool softeners I took right after birth!

We haven’t quite pooped together just yet, but at this rate, I see it happening in our future.

Blane said:
I just held her while I went and then called my husband to get her once she was done nursing so I could wipe :joy: I blame the stool softeners I took right after birth!

I’ve had many a poop with my daughter on my lap :joy: I could even wipe and wash my hands while holding her. Now that she’s old enough, I can put her down to sit/stand if I need to poop, but she often still comes with me if my husband isn’t around. Before having her, I’d leave the door open for my cats. I haven’t pooped alone in years :joy:

Lol this reminds me of when I was pregnant; all my cats would follow me in and out of the bathroom like I couldn’t go unsupervised :joy::joy:

Blane said:
I just held her while I went and then called my husband to get her once she was done nursing so I could wipe :joy: I blame the stool softeners I took right after birth!

Haha, I did the same and I’m super thankful for my bidet :joy:

Sounds gross, but I’ve just taken her along to the bathroom. I keep nursing her until she’s done, which usually coincides with when I’m finished. I set her down on the floor in front of me and finish my business, and it seems to work out for both of us! It’s funny and practical at the same time.