How did you celebrate your LO’s 1st birthday?

We went trick or treating! Her birthday is Halloween and we just took her to my parents’ neighborhood and went around to houses of family and friends that we knew :slight_smile:

I’m planning a small party with close family and friends - theme will be “Wild One”. I’m crazy excited for it, and he’s not even 6mo yet :see_no_evil:

We did it at grandma and grandpa’s house. And invited family and close friends. It was lots of fun. My son got to try cake for the first time.

We’re going to Disney World!

We did a party at our house. Got him a smash cake and had people come between 12 and 6, so they didn’t all have to come at once. Even said gifts aren’t necessary but still got a bunch! We had a ton of fun though and so did he!

We had a family/close friends party at an aunt’s apartment clubhouse. Cake and a taco bar.

I’m planning to go to an aquarium, still didn’t decide if it’s going to be the one in Newark Connecticut or the one in Brooklyn. Most of our family and relatives are 4-6 hours away and in Europe so I feel like it would be such an imposition to invite everyone and then expect them to rent hotel rooms and such. We also have absolutely no friends so that’s, ya know… not a thing.

Had a party at my parents’ house, made all the food ourselves and had minimal decorations (just napkins and birthday candles) to keep costs low, had about 40 of our friends and family show up and had the party the day after their birthday. Spent the actual birthday together, just the three of us, went to the zoo and to a café afterwards.

I feel like a first birthday is more for the family and friends than the baby since they won’t remember it. Yes, do fun sensory stuff and ask for gifts you need but make it fun for the adults who come.

We’re going to have a little party at home for family and friends, with cake and party foods.

We did a wild rumpus themed party at home with close family and some other couple friends with small children. 10 adults and 4 kids total.

We had a massive party with like 60+ people invited and at least 45 showed at our church (mostly non-church people invited). It was a blast and she had so much fun with her smash cake. She’s the biggest people person so she loved all the people.

That sounds like fun! My husband wants to throw a huge birthday bash for my daughter’s first birthday. He’s talking about renting a venue. He’s so extra… she’s 1 and won’t remember so I’m against spending money on an experience that’s more about him and what he wants rather than what would benefit her. I would much rather do something low key like take a road trip and visit a zoo; she won’t likely remember but we don’t spend a ton of money or have to feed 100 people.

We’re in the same mindset. We’d rather do something casual that he’ll enjoy in the moment, and it’s also partly a celebration for us, for our first year of surviving parenthood :joy: he won’t remember it but we will, and he’ll have photos to look back on!

My LO’s is coming up, and we’re just doing a small gathering the weekend prior with immediate family at home. We had a really traumatic, unexpected premature delivery and had the timing of things been just a bit different, LO and I might not be here - LO definitely wouldn’t. My husband and I didn’t want to deal with the stress of planning for a huge party on top of trying to navigate our feelings surrounding the day, and wanted to be able to reflect with each other and our families without having to put on a face.

Our first had her first birthday during quarantine so nothing but our second will be going to the zoo.

He LOVES jumping, so we did SkyZone (trampoline park). The party was Wild One themed because he’s WILD. :joy:

I made pumpkin muffins for all his friends (I didn’t want to send them home with a bunch of sugar in their system to their parents).

Honestly we are doing Chuck E Cheese because we are inviting many other families with older kids! About 30-35 people. Fairly first birthday themed.

Aside from the party we are doing a photoshoot and then going to build a bear. We also painted her a birthday cake plate :partying_face:.

We went on “vacation” to a campground my family goes to, and then had a birthday party at my grandparents’ house (end of summer, they have a pool, and the biggest house out of everyone) with everyone in my family.

The Saturday before we had a small daytime “Winter Onederland” party with family (bio & chosen) and her one little friend from library story time. Probably a dozen people. We had food and hot chocolate (there was a selection of additives for the adults) and people socialized. About an hour in, we did cake and presents, and by two hours, everyone was gone and the guest of honor was ready for her nap.

On her actual birthday, we went to the aquarium just us and her grandparents, and she loved it. Did supper at a Mexican restaurant afterward (because very no pressure) and they gave her a balloon and a tortilla with a mountain of whipped cream on it, which she enjoyed enormously. So all around an excellent day.