My son sometimes sleeps for 5 hours until his next feeding. Most nights, it’s only around 3 to 4 hours though. He will be 7 weeks old on January 9, 2024
Mine managed four hours at three months. Since then, she’s decided sleep is for the weak and now does only 2 to 3 hours. She’s 6 months old now. The night after her 6-month vaccines, she managed 6 hours—I suspect it’ll be years before it happens again
5 hours at 1.5 months
I believe he was around 8 weeks and started sleeping at least 5-hour stretches overnight. I was still getting up to pump at that time.
It really depends on personality. I have twins—they were raised the same way and put to sleep the same way. Now they are 12.5 months old. Twin B has been sleeping through the night since about 6 months old, and before that, it was just one wake-up since he was 3 months old. Twin A, on the other hand, is still waking up at least twice through the night, sometimes more, and occasionally for hours