Yes, the first night in the nursery at 5 months, and I didn’t hear a peep from 7:30 pm until about 7 am. I don’t brag about this since I know it’s not the norm, but you did ask
Around 2 to 2.5 months. That said, it’s super rare for her to sleep through the night. Usually, it’s around 10:30 pm to 3:30 am, then a feed, and back to sleep until about 7:00 am
My baby managed her first 7-hour stretch just three nights ago at 7 months old. Usually it’s a maximum of 3 hours
He was regularly doing 5 to 6-hour stretches from 3 weeks until 3 months old, after which it changed and he had never slept for more than 2.5 to 3 hours again. Now at 4.5 months, we just started getting one stretch of about 4 hours and then a 3, and then a 2. I think he would sleep longer, but we are dealing with itchy winter skin and cradle cap, so he wakes himself up scratching or when he breaks out of the swaddle (poor little dude), but he goes back to sleep quickly, so he’s never out of bed more than 15 minutes. His dad and I are struggling to fall back asleep after all the interruptions we’ve had lately
My first was on a good sleep schedule at 6 weeks. I only recalled this because I signed up for the Huckleberry app and was curious about my first experience from 4 years ago.
With my new 6-week-old, it’s mostly 1.5 to 2-hour stretches—same age, different babies. We’re not doing anything differently. I guess it’s a case of one baby being different from another. Quite a change
For my first, the early long stretches began around 6 weeks, and for the second, it was around 9 weeks with a solid 7 to 8 hours of sleep without waking, followed by one feeding to get through the rest of the night. It began around 7 pm, but we were grateful! It ended at 4 months with the regression, and it went back to 3-hour stretches until sleep training around 14 months when they’ve been sleeping through since
First 6-hour stretch was at 7.5 weeks, and it was completely uninterrupted. I also think my baby is a great sleeper
Around 12 weeks, my daughter would do a big long stretch of 6 to 8 hours, wake to feed, and then do another 2 to 3-hour stretch. But that only lasted until she was about 6 months old, and now I don’t even track her wake-ups anymore for my own peace of mind
Bragging moment, we think a bad night for my 7-week-old is one where his longest stretch of sleep is 5 hours. We usually get a 6.5 to 9-hour stretch. He goes to bed between 8 and 9, depending on how long he takes to drink his night bottle. I go to bed around 10, and he usually wakes us around 4 to be fed, then sleeps again until 6:30 to 7
MOMS ON CALL, everyone. It really works. I have a 5-month-old now, and I’ve been putting him to bed at 7:30 pm and feeding him at 6:30 am since 3 months. He’ll wake up and go back to sleep on occasion, but no tears, and he wakes up happy every morning. It was hard in the beginning, stretching his feeding times and letting him cry to sleep once in a while, but it was definitely worth it
From around 6 weeks old, he typically starts the night with 5 to 6-hour stretches (before that we were instructed to wake him often, so I’m not sure how long he would have kept sleeping). It occasionally happened that he did 7 hours but never more than that. After about 10 weeks, when he didn’t need diaper changes during the night, it improved since he fell back asleep faster after eating. Although he’s now 4.5 months old, we still see nights where he’ll sleep 4 hours before waking up for the first time, but it’s rare
Just turned 3 months. She can manage 8.5 hours. I usually wake her at around 6 to change and feed overnight so that I have some time to get back to sleep
I have a 12-week-old and the longest he’s ever slept is 4.5 hours, but it’s usually more like 2 to 3 hours
At 2.5 months, he started doing 6-hour nights, and now at 3 months, he’s going even longer. Sometimes I wake him up for feedings because I’m starting to wet the bed
My almost 13-month-old just started sleeping for 7 to 8 hours at night only last week
My baby boy was 7 weeks and 3 days old when he spontaneously slept from 10:30 pm to 7:50 am.
I have to say, when I woke up and saw the sun shining, panic hit me harder than the feeling of waking up late for work.
I thought I had turned off the baby monitor in my sleep, didn’t hear it because I was so tired, or had the volume off, or he had to be screaming for me—nope, he was completely sound asleep for another 20 minutes after I woke up.
Those 9-hour stretches lasted for about another month before he started doing 11.5 hours most nights, though not all nights.
Of course, it’s not perfect. Right after his first birthday, it felt like he started waking once a night. I guess they just go through phases
At 10 weeks, my little one finally managed about 9 hours. Before that, she would wake up at least once during the night. Now she generally sleeps around 8 to 9 pm to 5 to 6 am. I honestly didn’t think this was possible, and I thought my baby would never sleep that well, but at some point, she just decided she didn’t need that overnight feed anymore at 2 or 3 am
It’s been 3 hours at maximum. My baby is now 13 months, please send help
He started sleeping between 4 to 5 hours around 4 weeks. At about 10 weeks, he was sleeping for 10 hours straight. Making sure he drank enough milk during the day was a huge part of his sleep routine
My baby is 3 months old now, and we’ve had some random nights where she manages 6-hour stretches, but they aren’t consistent at all. Typically, she sleeps for about 3 to 4 hours