Did your baby really sleep through the night without interruptions on their first long stretch

Mine did 3 to 4 hours from about 2 weeks, then the occasional 6-hour stretch starting around 6 to 8 weeks. Then at 11 weeks, when we started giving her an early bedtime, she miraculously slept from 9:15 pm to 7:45 am! Now at 13 weeks, she can do 10 to 11 hours before we wake her up. I know the 4-month regression is going to hit us hard though

The first long stretch at 8.5 weeks was 5 hours, and the following stretches have been pretty rough. I got 6 hours once and it felt heavenly

He did his longest stretches on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and New Year’s Eve. He was either sick or had awful gas during those days, so he didn’t nap at all during the day. We gave him gas drops at bedtime on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, and he slept through the night. I think he’s done it maybe once or twice on his own. He usually can go as long as 6 hours, but it’s typically 4 to 5. I feel like he’s going through the 4-month sleep regression now because he woke up way more times last night than he has in a long time

At 10 weeks, my baby slept 5 uninterrupted hours. That’s the longest we’ve experienced, and it only happened once. It was also after a day of barely any naps, so he really needed that sleep

For my second child, yes. She’s 5 months old now and has been sleeping long stretches—5 to 6 hours at first, now 10 to 11 hours—reliably since about 6 weeks. I feel like I haven’t earned this kind of sleep, haha. I nurse her to sleep, haven’t done any sleep training, and support her however she needs. She sometimes has a false start, but even then she gets a solid 8-hour stretch. It’s just how she’s made. I didn’t have this with my first, and I’m not doing anything much differently now

She went for 6 hours twice. That’s all. I think those must have been flukes

After about a month, my baby was sleeping anywhere from 6 to 11 hours at night. He’s now 6 months old and averages 8 hours of sleep each night

My baby has been sleeping for 10 hours straight since 12 weeks, I know, I know—I’m spoiled. But I’m definitely not getting tricked into having another one

My 7-week-old has been pulling 6-hour stretches recently. He usually wakes, and I just pop his pacifier back in so that he goes back to sleep. Not fully uninterrupted, but I’m so grateful

12 months old and never slept for longer than 2 hours before that

No, for both our kids, the first long sleeps included waking at regular feeding times, fussing quietly for a few minutes, and then going back to sleep for another long spell

Mine is 8 weeks old, and the longest stretch so far has been 4 hours. Still hopeful for longer stretches soon

The first long sleep was 5 uninterrupted hours at 10 weeks. Before that, baby was only sleeping for 1.5 to 2 hours at a time, and I thought it would never change. It’s fluctuating now. At 3 months, it’s going from 4 to 7 hours, but I can’t find a pattern

I got just one 6-hour stretch around 7.5 weeks and he didn’t wake up, even when I changed his diaper

My baby slept from 9:30 pm to 4:30 am, had a feed and a diaper change, then slept again until around 9:30 to 10. From about 3.5 months to 4 months, and since then, I don’t think she’s slept longer than an hour at a time, help

Last night my 8-week-old managed 5.5 hours straight, which felt incredible

Totally uninterrupted. My girl is 11 weeks old now but was a preemie (5 weeks adjusted) and started sleeping 5 to 6 hours totally uninterrupted a couple of weeks ago. After that stretch, she needs some serious meals to go back to sleep. We occasionally use white noise to help put her down. This wasn’t something I expected to happen. We do our best to make sure she has time to become tired, but I guess we’ve just been lucky with this sleep phase

On Christmas, he slept for almost 6 hours, it felt magical! But that was a fluke, really.

At 5 weeks old, he has his last bottle around 10 to 11 pm and now he usually gives us a stretch of 2.5 to 3.5 hours, before waking to eat, then another 2 to 3-hour stretch before waking for the day. I go to bed early while my husband handles the last bottle, we trade off the 2 am wake up, and then I’m up with baby at 6 am while he catches a few more hours of sleep. It’s been working for now, but man, I can’t wait until he sleeps longer!

At 4 months, when we switched to the crib and started sleep training, I was up every 2 hours to feed him 4 oz

My girl is 4 months old and has never slept for 6 hours straight. Usually, her night consists of 4 hours of sleep, waking to eat, then 2.5 hours of sleep again, waking to eat again, and finally 2.5 more hours of sleep. Sometimes it’s less, usually not more. She occasionally decides to wake up and start her day at 4 am! I just can’t bring myself to try any sleep training methods yet, any version, because I feel she’s still too little