Which New Parent Olympic Event Would You Totally Dominate In?

Today is to sit on the car seat.

Catching objects mid-air. I never knew I could catch something I didn’t even see falling.

Dodging my 3-month-old son’s pee during nappy changes.

Changing a diaper in any location! I make it work because I have to!

Reacting to the baby monitor. We live in a three-story house, and I think I might be able to beat Usain Bolt up the stairs when she starts fussing in the evenings.

I think my husband and I could compete as a team in throwing and catching stuff one-handed as well.

Anything involving two babies :sweat_smile::cry:. Back-to-back diaper changes. Silent diaper changes in the dark (do NOT wake the other one!!) Tandem nursing or even a tandem nursing nap. Double baby wearing.

Identifying the poo cues. To me, they’re a blazing neon sign. My fiancé was always surprised when I’d ask, ‘Are you thinking poopy thoughts?’ and the baby would let rip immediately.

Making myself a sandwich one-handed while holding my toddler in the other. Then making him one too, and he eats mine because toddler logic.

Doing everything with one hand.
Be it pooping, brushing teeth, eating, picking up things, or doing dishes.