When do babies roll over

Is it normal for my 3-month-old son not to have started rolling over yet? Should I be concerned about his development?

My second baby flipped over early, at just two weeks old – pretty unbelievable! But my first one took his time. He didn’t start rolling until he was around six months old

The initial milestone for many babies is rolling, a significant step toward crawling and mobility. While some infants may begin rolling as early as 3 to 4 months, most achieve this skill by 7 months of age. There are various ways you can assist your baby in gradually mastering the art of rolling.

Hi…i dont think you should be worried about anything. Every child develops at their own pace, and while some babies may start rolling over as early as 3 months, others may take a bit longer. It’s not uncommon for babies to begin rolling over between 4 to 6 months of age.

However, if your son hasn’t started rolling over by 6 months, it’s a good idea to discuss any concerns with your pediatrician. They can provide personalized advice and guidance based on your son’s specific development and help address any potential concerns.

In many cases, delayed milestones are nothing to worry about, but it’s always best to seek professional advice for peace of mind.

That’s great to hear that your baby is progressing at her own pace and hitting milestones like rolling over! It’s true, every baby develops differently, and as long as they’re showing progress in their own time, that’s what matters most. It must be reassuring to have a mom group where you can compare notes and see that each baby has their own unique timeline for development. How are you finding the experience of sharing milestones and tips with other moms?