What are you doing when your long-term partner is spying on you?

What are you doing while your LO is contact-napping on you?

I look forward to contact napping now since it’s the only time I can binge-watch movies.

I adore how positive this is. My baby sleeps almost solely through contact. :woozy_face: But, for the most part, I binge watch TV or surf on my phone. Prepare some food for yourself as well!

As we speak, I’m holding a cup of coffee :melting_face:

My life transformed after I received my library card and downloaded Libby. They also provide Kanopy, which contains great flicks. I’ve read 54 novels this year. I also watched all of the Alone seasons on the History Channel.

Obsessed with being alone. And shanking the musk ox.

There came a moment when I felt like I was stuck in my snooze. I listen to audiobooks now and look forward to naps :joy: I have been knocking off of my book want list :blush:.

I read a lot on my Kindle, binge-watch TV series, and surf on my phone. I actually really enjoy it! I know this won’t continue forever, so I’m trying to soak it up while I can.

I read so many books while my baby was at this stage!

Haha, makes me wish I was more productive. I just go on my phone. I only read ten books this year.