What age did you leave your baby for a weekend

13 months. I’m in Puerto Rico now, staying for 3 nights and 4 days.

Mine is 15 months and I still haven’t left her overnight. Honestly, I’m not sure when I’ll feel ready.

I think it’s way easier for grandparents to babysit a baby around 6 to 9 months than a 12-month-old toddler running around who might not eat well already.
Babies are not very mobile and once they sleep mostly through the night, they’re easy to keep entertained.
I think a toddler for a weekend can be a bit tiring for caregivers.
We’ve had both grandparents babysit during the day for errands or events, and they enjoyed it.
We once babysat a 1-year-old and I was surprised at how much more worn out I was compared to when we had a newborn. The newborn is just eat, sleep, poop.

My second baby is 8 months old, but we haven’t gone away yet. With my first, we did a quick overnight trip when she was about 15 months and she was fully weaned and sleeping through the night by then. My mom also watched her once a week, and we visited often, so she knew her grandparents well.

I’m likely to wait to go away until my second is around the same age. By then, he may be weaned (I plan to keep my bedtime feed, so we’ll see how that goes), but he’s quite attached to his grandma (my mom sees my kids three times a week lol). He’s a really easy-going baby and has recently started sleeping through the night.

My mom is anxious about feeding him too, and him being older will help with that.

So yeah, 12 to 18 months seems like a perfect age to wait. Babies are still so little and really need their parents as their primary caregivers.

I left her with my husband for a weekend when she was about 7 months. He’s been gone on weekends, but we haven’t left her overnight with anyone else because we don’t have anyone else who can care for her.

15 months old, after I had a c-section with my second.

My husband and I travel separately for work, but the only time we were both away from our daughter overnight (she’s almost 3) was when my son was born 8 months ago. I really don’t like being away from my family overnight.

16 months! We took a trip for 2 days and 1 night. It was really nice just to have some time alone together. I already want to do it again but I feel bad asking my parents for help again.

Probably when I’m 100 years old and in a care home at this point.

Mine is 18 months and I don’t plan to any time soon, but this really is based on personal choice and the kid’s temperament!

Reading these responses is making me feel bad lol. My baby is currently 7 weeks, but my husband and I are already thinking about a weekend away in October, so she’ll be about 11 months.

Definitely leaving her with grandparents, I wouldn’t want to trust anyone else.

5 months for us! I was sad at first, but it was nice to miss her a little haha