Hey parents,
I’m thinking about getting a baby walker for my little one but have heard mixed reviews. Are they safe? Do they actually help with walking? Would love to hear your experiences and any brands you recommend!
Thanks a ton!
Hey parents,
I’m thinking about getting a baby walker for my little one but have heard mixed reviews. Are they safe? Do they actually help with walking? Would love to hear your experiences and any brands you recommend!
Thanks a ton!
Not necessary. A newborn shouldn’t be placed in one if they are incapable of walking on their own. Simply dedicate a lot of floor time.
Walkers and bouncers don’t teach babies anything; they are just a convenience for parents. For them, the floor is the ideal location to be in terms of development.
Hey there.
My sister owns a secondhand push walker. To slow things down, we added an ankle weight. The baby also enjoys pushing cardboard nappy cartons around.