Our daughter’s first year in daycare wiped us out every month. Stomach bugs, RSV, strep, colds, you name it. The second year isn’t as bad! I think I only got sick three times last semester, but I am sick right now so not off to a good start in this second semester. I’ve kinda gotten used to it.
Oh, it hasn’t stopped since October. I really feel for my friend. I’m hoping spring and summer will be easier for him
We were sick back to back for about three weeks after our baby started daycare. It was awful
Yep, going through it as we speak. Day 2 of childcare and both my twins got sick. Three days later I was totally out of it and now I’ve been down for 4 days with tonsillitis. Not looking forward to this year
For what it’s worth, stomach bugs are usually the most contagious of all the ailments from my experience
Indra said:
For what it’s worth, stomach bugs are usually the most contagious of all the ailments from my experience
I always thought it was upper respiratory infections, all my childhood in public school, then college, then work, it was always upper respiratory stuff, common colds, and sometimes flu, but this year… wow, the stomach bugs have taken over.
My baby started this week and only went on Monday and Tuesday. Now he is sick
My son started daycare in June and has had a runny nose ever since. It’s not a cold, there’s no cough or fever, just a runny nose.
He’s one of only two left in his class of 12. Three have the flu or RSV, and 7 have been sent home with fevers.
I’d like to think all the pacifier stealing has helped build his immunity
We got super lucky for a long time. Our daughter only goes once a week and started last May. She only got sick once in August. But then in December, she has been sick three times and my husband and I once
My kid started Tiny Tots in the fall and we’ve all caught something every two weeks since last September
Totally get you. My son started daycare two weeks ago and we’ve been sick this entire time. I clean like crazy in my house and when he comes home