My baby will be 3 months old at Christmas. Any gift ideas?

So, at Christmas, my LO will be 3 months old. My relatives have begun to inquire about the gifts we would like to give her. I have stated that if they get toys, I don’t want loud, bulky plastic ones that she can’t play with right away. I have requested simple or wooden toys or clothing in the Montessori manner. What more could I possibly ask of her? It is really difficult. I would rather buy things as she needs them as she grows rather than give her items she can’t use right away that would just clutter the house.

When my little one was about 3 months old during the holidays, I faced the same challenge with relatives eager to give gifts. I wanted to avoid the house filling up with loud, bulky plastic toys that she wouldn’t use for months, so I gently asked for simple, wooden toys or Montessori-inspired items that were more in line with our approach to learning and play. I also suggested practical gifts like clothing or even books. It was tough to ask for things she’d actually use as she grew, but I found that being clear about our preferences helped prevent the clutter and ensured she received meaningful, thoughtful gifts.

Something she could play with in a few months, perhaps? Books, blocks, tiny people—anything that can develop with her. My girla had one of these that they loved, if you’re looking for something she can play with. They continue to play the piano portion now.