My baby looks like he’s having an exorcism on the monitor

My baby rocks his head back and forth to get himself to sleep… somewhat violently. Cute but scary on the night vision monitor lol.

What does your baby do to make themselves fall asleep?

Moving his head back and forth over and over and one hand over his face

He rubs the back of his head lol

Cam said:
He rubs the back of his head lol

Mine does this too!!

My son will suck his thumb, but the hand he’s sucking the thumb on is used to rub the sheets of his crib. It’s especially cute if he’s sleepy and cuddly he’ll do the same act but with my shirt as he’s snuggled close.

My baby just started to do this with my shirt as I rock him to sleep! It’s so cute!!

Flips back and forth like a pancake and somehow always ends up face down, bunched in the corner at the far end of the crib from where we put him. Freaks us out! We have to reposition him so many times before he finally falls asleep on his back (4.5 months)

It’s okay to let him sleep on his belly if he puts himself in that position! It’s only unsafe if the parents put baby down on their belly and they can’t roll yet.

Blaire said:
It’s okay to let him sleep on his belly if he puts himself in that position! It’s only unsafe if the parents put baby down on their belly and they can’t roll yet.

Yeah we will probably stop flipping him back at some point, but we’re FTM parents and it seems so unnatural to have him be on his front all of a sudden (he only started rolling a day or two ago, and now does it all the time). Trying not to worry about it!

My guy, who’s almost 5 months, never rolled before until the other night. Flipped on his stomach, got himself stuck sideways in the crib and started screaming. I had to flip him over to calm him down. This happened 3 times until he finally went to sleep on his own on his back lol.

I presume at some point they stop flip-flopping because we don’t do that as adults. Although my husband just tried to do an impression, which was amusing (and mildly annoying haha)

Mine flat out refuses to fall asleep unless she’s latched, so that’s fun. But for about a month and a half or so she went through this phase where she’d grab a fistful of her own hair while she was nursing and just pull it as hard as she could. She’d repeat that process until falling asleep. Looked crazy uncomfortable, I can’t imagine how hurting yourself could help you fall asleep but whatever.

Funny story, my 3-year-old used to grunt herself to sleep as a newborn. Now, she uses the same tactic as a way to keep herself from falling asleep when she is almost out.

Slaps the sides of his head as if they were bongos. :triumph:

Clancy said:
Slaps the sides of his head as if they were bongos. :triumph:

lol I love it

My oldest did this, and we called it her death throes. Our second baby is only 3 months, but I can’t wait to see if she’s inherited the death throes as well.

Mine does the same, didn’t know this was common :joy:

Mine sucks on his fingers and the other hand goes up to his hair to play with. When he decides he wants a binky he’ll do the same with that.

My daughter fiddles with the ear of her stuffed toy :two_hearts:

Tatum said:
My daughter fiddles with the ear of her stuffed toy :two_hearts:

Mine does the same to her stuffed bunny! So cute.