I feel like I’m going crazy, but I honestly need to go out with at least two diaper bags. Between diapers, wipes, butt cream, pacifiers, pacifier wipes, two burp cloths, at least three outfits, a couple of drool bibs, my nursing cover, a few disposable nipple pads, my manual pump (because my wearables absolutely will not fit), a bottle (just in case), travel-size Lysol wipes, travel hand sanitizer, a small blanket, his lovey, the changing pad, and an extra shirt for me (because there’s a 100% chance of spit-up)… it’s just not possible. I can’t even imagine how formula parents do it with the bottles, formula, and water. How are you all doing this?! I feel like the universe is gaslighting me. Send help. Traveling with a 3-month-old, and I am losing my mind.
Yeahhh. Paci Wipes? I had no idea these existed. Definitely lose the blanket. If bibs are truly intended for saliva and spit up, they should save most clothing. Also, she mentions formula feeders as if we’d have more stuff - I formula feed, but who carries water? Like, where would a bottle feeder take a newborn if there was no WATER? In such unusual case, a few of Similac ready-to-feed bottles can cure the problem. There are also no pumps, nipple pads, or nursing covers.
It’s for a flight. I feel like a small blanket is necessary in case it gets cold. The bibs work for drool, but my baby has reflux and spits up a lot. One bib doesn’t save the day after that; he ends up soaked. From experience, I’ve learned that one extra outfit is not enough.
I don’t know much about formula feeding, but my cousin used to carry bottled water and a container with pre-measured formula. That was many years ago, though, so things might have changed. We’re not from the U.S., so tap water isn’t an option for us.
I love pacifier wipes. It’s comforting to be able to clean his pacifier after it falls and to wipe down other things he might put in his mouth. As a breastfeeding mom, a pump is necessary in case he’s sleeping or doesn’t want to eat. I use a nursing cover because I prefer not to show (I have large breasts, and it’s hard to be discreet), and I need nipple pads because I leak.
I didn’t mean to make this a breastfeeding vs. formula feeding thing. I just assumed you’d need more bottles for a long trip or flight.
Paci wipes are ideal for flights because hand cleansing on an aircraft is not pleasant. We also dropped the pacifier around fifteen times between the baby, my husband, and myself.