Is my partner being selfish 6 days postpartum

All I’m going to say is what an asshole.

I’m so sorry your partner isn’t being supportive at just six days postpartum.
My partner acted similarly, asking to hit the gym during my postpartum time.
I was furious and made it clear that his leave was meant for caring for ME and the baby, not for getting fit. We set our priorities straight!
After my first pediatrician appointment, he truly understood how serious I was.

Men often don’t grasp how much pain and discomfort we go through postpartum, even when they’ve been along for every appointment. You need to communicate clearly about what you’re feeling.

You’re definitely NOT overreacting. He sounds like a total jerk. Had I tried this with my wife when our daughter was born, I can’t even imagine the consequences I’d have faced.

Tell your partner to stop being so selfish. Raising a newborn is HARD, especially when you’re doing it alone.

Your partner needs to start taking responsibility. He should handle diaper changes at night and assist with any pumping needs you might have. I get he has his needs too, but right now you’re just 6 DAYS postpartum! The gym can wait until you feel comfortable being alone with the baby for a bit. Or he can work out at home and be available to help you.

I completely agree. If he continues treating you this way, think about the example he’ll set as a role model for your child. If he doesn’t change soon, consider whether you want him in your life. You shouldn’t have to deal with this!

First off, I’m so sorry he’s saying those hurtful things. That’s just wrong. If he speaks disrespectfully again, you need to stand your ground and set boundaries.

Secondly, be clear about what you need. My husband often doesn’t know how to help, so I have to ask him directly. It’s going to be tough, and it’s better to address this sooner rather than later.

You’re stronger than I am because I’d make my husband’s life a nightmare if he behaved like that. But you’re definitely not overreacting! He should be supporting you and the baby while you heal.

I get that partners need self-care, but this is not the time. He should wait until you’ve settled and gotten a chance to sleep before prioritizing himself.

He should be helping you rest. I’m sorry he’s being so difficult. Here’s a breastfeeding tip: grab a big blanket you would use for sleeping. While in the football hold, use the blanket to support the baby’s back, and then recline a bit to adjust. You can even tuck some of the blanket under the baby’s head for extra support. It should make things easier for both of you.

He can take time for himself once he steps up to support you! Tell him you need more help and to be more involved at night because you’re really struggling with sleep. Hang in there, it gets better :heart: Also, a note: your back shouldn’t hurt from breastfeeding. Ensure you’re bringing the baby to your breast, not the other way around, and try different breastfeeding positions. I like the side lying or laid-back position; they can really ease any back strain.

My partner has been by my side for the first three months. He just recently started playing games again, but only because we agreed to take an hour for ourselves. Your partner is not treating you right!

Asking ‘Is my partner selfish?’ uh… yes, he’s a jerk! He should be taking care of you and the baby now. You shouldn’t be handling everything alone while he gets to rest. During the first month, my husband handled all diaper changes at night. He would bring the baby for feedings and put the baby back down afterward. Your focus should be on recovering and feeding the baby. Since he seems clueless, you need to tell him what needs to change. He needs to step up. After all this, think about your future together.

What a jerk. You deserve so much better.

You’re not being dramatic at all. Yes, your partner is being selfish. You just gave birth less than a week ago, and he’s acting unsupportive. This is the period where he should be doing most of the work as you recover. He needs to step up and help you out. Honestly, I’d stop catering to him and stop letting him sleep while you struggle. It’s not fair; you’re the one who needs help. He must stop making insensitive comments as well. It’s unproductive and mean, especially coming from your partner. I’m really angry for you; I can’t imagine my husband treating me like this.

I’m sorry you’re going through this. He doesn’t get to just sleep—he’s on paternity leave. This is not a holiday; he has to put in the work. If you think his mother could support you, let her know what’s been happening so she can set him straight.

I’ve already told my sister-in-law that if my brother doesn’t pull his weight, just talk to me; I’ll handle him.

My husband took two weeks off, caring for me every single day, changing diapers, and supporting me so I could take care of the baby. I’m sorry you have to deal with such a useless partner. Talk to him and make it clear what needs to change.

I just read the title and the answer is yes. You’re only six days postpartum; you’re not overreacting.

How was he before the baby came? Selfish 100%. Set the tone now or it could only get worse.

He is being SO selfish! He doesn’t need to go to the gym just six days postpartum.

Making fun of your body in an awful way is unacceptable and terrible behavior. Each person goes through their own recovery time, and many never return to their original state. You’ve just created a new life!

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t feel like going to the gym is overly negative. Both parents need time for themselves after a baby arrives. If going to the gym helps him mentally and allows you a break at another time, then that’s about balance.

You need to have a conversation with him. I know it’s tough, but it’s necessary. Many men can be dense and awful at reading situations. You need to be straightforward. Approach the conversation positively, and if he’s mature, he will listen and make changes.

Edit: okay, everyone calm down. OP is looking for advice. She’s going through a hard time in her relationship. I suggested she have a talk. The other option is to leave him. I welcome your thoughts.

He’s making fun of OP. That’s not being dense—he’s being inconsiderate. OP shouldn’t have to have this conversation.