In terms of diapers and wipes, how particular are babies?

I’m an FTM pregnant woman and was planning to buy lots of diapers and wipes for my unborn child. Are babies particular about diaper brands, and if so, any advice on how many of each to give them?

I became aware of the size guidelines, which state that you should wait to purchase premie until you truly need it. Newborns typically require 1-2 weeks, while size 1 may require 1-2 months. However, what about the brands (for example, Kirkland vs. Pures vs. Pampers Swaddles)?

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Hi, Babies can be quite particular about diapers and wipes due to sensitivities, fit, and comfort. Some may react to certain materials or brands, while others tolerate various options. It often requires testing different products to find what works best for each baby’s skin and needs.

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