I wish I could go back to the trenches

My daughter is now 4 months old and the light of my life. She’s never fussy unless she’s overtired or hungry. She sleeps 10-12 hours a night. She laughs and smiles constantly and I can see the wonder in her eyes each time I play with her and a new toy.

Weeks 1-6 were absolute hell on earth. I seriously questioned my life several times and regretted having a baby. I thought I’d ruined my life. I feared SIDS as much as I thought if it happened, at least I could sleep.

My daughter had terrible gas weeks 3-6 and we were up each night 1a-4a like clockwork with her screaming her head off and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I would walk around outside with her and we would both scream into the void together.

I wish I could go back in time and tell myself how much better it gets and how my tiny, little terrorist became my best little friend.

For those of you moms and dads in the thick of it, hang on tight to that little baby who needs you so much. Soon you’ll be onto the next phase :heart:

The best news is it gets even better.

Fern said:
The best news is it gets even better.


Thank you for this post. Very encouraging for a dad that needs a lot of encouragement.

Thank you for your honesty. I had the same thought about SIDS cross my mind when I was in the thick of it at 6 weeks and I feel so awful about it now that things are better. I’m glad I’m not alone. Sleep deprivation was pure torture.

The title was misleading, I thought you wished to actually be experiencing the trenches again and honestly, at a year, same, cuz I want to hold a tiny sleep potato now; my son is the most active boy ever now, and sometimes I miss the simplicity of the newborn days, but I also know I’m viewing it through rose-colored glasses now haha.

I feel 100% the same!

I needed this post so much, thank you. We’re hitting 4 weeks tomorrow and having so much stress with triple feeding, regressing on weight goals despite best efforts, colicky episodes at night…I love this beautiful girl to death but wife and I are living our entire existence in regimented 3-hour intervals, it’s bleak :cry:

Just hit 3.5 months. Get the sleep sack and when they hit 12 lbs get the Merlin Sleep Suit. Bathe every night with towel covering them then feed them right after before your bedtime. We sleep through the night and it. Is. Glorious.

This is unrequested info and not relevant to the post. I just need more people to know about these sleep sack/suit contraptions. Good luck out there fellow girl dad.

I remember at week 5 feeling irritated that these ‘it gets better’ posts were so far away. Now my LO is also 4.5 months and an absolute delight. I can’t believe how quickly we transitioned out of the newborn phase and how quickly things really did get better.

During those early weeks, I remember my sister telling me to cherish it, but also that it’s a mercy that it goes by so fast. Newborns are unsustainable for the long haul.

Man, putting those little clothes up and giving away the little size N or 1 diapers hit me pretty hard. We were struggling then with sleep, but dang I miss it a little.

My daughter is 15 months old now, but every time I think back to the trenches I miss it in a way. The delusion from sleep deprivation, the spit up, the leaky boobs. But then I remember the adorable newborn traits I’ll never see my daughter do again. I wish I could go back in time and see my tiny little baby again.

At 2 and a half weeks now and it feels like this will never end.

Andi said:
At 2 and a half weeks now and it feels like this will never end.

You’re still learning too! The first weeks are insane and I have so much respect for other parents now. It DOES get better. My LO has been asleep since 9:30 PM and wakes up at 6 AM, eats, then sleeps until 10 AM every day. She is 3.5 months but has been on this routine since 2 months.

Thanks, appreciate that! And 2 months feels an eternity away lol.

Yes! It was so hard, but in retrospect, such a brief time. My 4.5 mo is a delight.

The 6-8 week mark is hellish but day by day, week by week, things look onward and upwards!

I’m so envious. We’re at 6 months and baby woke up 7 times last night crying with hunger. She won’t nap unless held either. It’s. So. Hard.

Five weeks and witching hours aka screaming are from 8-12. Ugh. Can’t wait for it to get better! But enjoying the snuggles!

My girl is 6.5m and every day is better! She’s started to get nervous/shy with strangers and, while I hate that she’s uncomfortable with new faces, I absolutely LOVE how she hides into my neck because she knows I’m safe. She’s crawling now and while she can get into mischief in a startlingly short amount of time (leaves are her new favorite solid!), I love watching her experience the world at her own pace and of her own volition!