I slipped and fell with my baby just five days after giving birth

I was walking down the stairs with my five day old baby and slipped. I held onto him the entire time and used my body to protect him. But I am still so scared he somehow hit his head even though I don’t think he did. He didn’t cry at all after the fall but I worry he might be hurt. I am really shaken up and cried for about an hour afterward because it scared me so much.

He should be fine but like others said, you can get him checked to ease your worries. But, are you okay Are you hurting Since it’s so soon after giving birth I can imagine you’re still quite sore. Be gentle with yourself

Definitely check on yourself too

You could take him to a doctor for a checkup. You did well to protect him.

If it helps, you could take him to the ER. Many parents come in for their kids after falls, including newborns.

First off, are you okay This must have shook you up. Take a moment to relax
Next, get him checked out just to be safe.
Lastly, don’t be hard on yourself. You did your best to protect him. Give yourself some grace because accidents happen. You held him tightly, and that’s what matters.

I fell with my 5 week old and my nurse friend said any fall over five times the baby’s height is serious and we should get checked, even if they seem fine. We went to the ER and the doctor looked for internal injuries. He was okay thankfully, but I was glad we went.

This isn’t exactly right. It’s any fall over 10ft or three times the child’s height. I worked in a pediatric ER for 8 years.

Ray said:
This isn’t exactly right. It’s any fall over 10ft or three times the child’s height. I worked in a pediatric ER for 8 years.

Just to clarify, here’s a source on this: (not just my word) Trauma Team Activation for Pediatrics (age 15 years and below) | McGovern Medical School

Ray said:
This isn’t exactly right. It’s any fall over 10ft or three times the child’s height. I worked in a pediatric ER for 8 years.

I thought it was 3 ft for under 2 and 5 ft for over 2

Here they say any fall over 3 feet or the baby’s height

He’s probably okay. I would call my pediatrician and see what they suggest. They might want to see him just for a check.

I would definitely call the doctor

Wow are you okay Seriously let the baby’s doctor know what happened and make sure he’s checked, but you too. You have to look after yourself as well.

I’m really worried about YOU. Falling down the stairs after giving birth sounds so painful. I believe you’re both okay, but you could call the pediatrician’s nurse line or take the baby to the ER just to be safe.

I also slipped while holding my baby at 5 weeks postpartum and landed hard. My baby was okay, but I was sore for days.

If he didn’t cry, he’s likely not hurt. If he was injured, he would have cried loudly. I remember when I accidentally bumped my baby’s head with my water bottle and she cried so much.

Gavine said:
If he didn’t cry, he’s likely not hurt. If he was injured, he would have cried loudly. I remember when I accidentally bumped my baby’s head with my water bottle and she cried so much.

I agree. If someone is truly hurt, you’d likely hear it. But I’m no doctor so always consult if unsure. You should get checked out if you feel any pain or stiffness.

Gavine said:
If he didn’t cry, he’s likely not hurt. If he was injured, he would have cried loudly. I remember when I accidentally bumped my baby’s head with my water bottle and she cried so much.

Thanks for sharing this. My dog bumped into my baby while he was in the car seat and I’ve been worried about the bruise on his face and if he needs to see a doctor. He only cried a little but it still freaks me out.

If he didn’t cry, he’s likely just fine.

Zaire said:
If he didn’t cry, he’s likely just fine.

Probably! And if he’s acting normal, I wouldn’t overly worry. But calling a doctor to check just to ease your mind can’t hurt.