Hey guys, I am an FTM, and I am not sure how to introduce meals precisely. similar to how rapidly new meals are introduced? How many times should I feed them real food in a day? Should I offer them food first, then nursing? So I just act morally and wait for them to get hungry? What is a reasonable amount of food to offer right away?
My baby is 5m 1w, and I was planning to go 6m EBF. However, I am clueless about what I am doing, which is perhaps another reason why I am delaying giving solids.
Thanks for the advice and help!
Have you spoken to your family doctor? They can provide resources to get you started on introducing solids to your baby. You might also find the Solid Starts app helpful; it has lots of information on how to serve various types of foods. There’s a paid version of the app that offers even more content. It’s important to research which foods are not recommended and which are common allergens. General guidance suggests introducing as many allergens as possible before your baby turns one to help prevent allergies later in life.
When it comes to starting solids, there are typically three approaches: purées only, baby-led weaning (BLW), or a combination of both. BLW involves serving the baby whatever you’re eating, prepared safely for them. It’s worth researching to see if BLW is something you’re comfortable with. Additionally, taking an infant CPR and first aid course or watching YouTube videos on the topic can be very helpful in case of choking.
To answer your specific questions: I was advised to introduce one new food every three days. This way, if your baby has an allergic reaction, you can easily identify the cause. At your baby’s age, solids are just for fun, and milk remains the main source of nutrition. Offer solids 30-60 minutes after a milk feed, and don’t replace feeds with solids. This stage is all about experimenting with different flavors and textures. I started with a tablespoon and gradually increased the amount. If my baby wanted more, I gave more. We began with oatmeal because it’s rich in iron, which is important for babies.
I know that’s a lot of information! Feel free to ask if you have any questions. I was just as confused as you are (and still am) a few months ago!
ETA, Some doctors say that babies are automatically ready for solids at six months, while others suggest looking for signs of readiness such as the ability to sit up in a high chair and showing interest in food. It’s a good idea to discuss this with your doctor.