How long do you have to wait to drive after having a baby?

How long should I wait to resume driving after childbirth? I’ve heard varying advice. Could anyone share their experiences or knowledge on when it’s safe to drive again after having a baby? I want to ensure both my safety and my baby’s.


According to expert doctors, irregardless of whether you had a vaginal delivery or a c-section, experts recommend waiting at least two weeks after giving birth before getting behind the wheel. This allows your body time to heal, making it more comfortable to brake and shift without pain or discomfort.

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Obtaining your healthcare provider’s approval before you resume driving is crucial, regardless of the type of birth. They’ll decide when it’s safe for you to drive based on your mobility, pain threshold, and general health. Rest deprivation and other postpartum issues might affect your ability to drive safely, so make sure you’re both physically and psychologically prepared.

I drove to Target just six days after giving birth because we needed footie pajamas, and I craved a little alone time. The exhilaration of driving again was invigorating. As my baby girl grew older, I ventured out more frequently.