How do people with twins or triplets do this?

I don’t know if this is the right sub to post this under, but I’m genuinely asking. I’m in the trenches just barely starting to get better with a 7-week-old. My partner helps me SO much, but I still am so exhausted all the time. HOW THE HELL DO PEOPLE WITH MORE THAN ONE BABY DO IT??? Kudos to y’all because I cannot imagine how much more difficult it probably is taking care of multiple babies. I try to imagine it, and just the thought makes me wanna cry lol.

My twins were my first babies, so I never knew any different. You just do it. No other choice. Triplets seem like a whole different ball game, so props to those parents.

Shan said:
My twins were my first babies, so I never knew any different. You just do it. No other choice. Triplets seem like a whole different ball game, so props to those parents.

Do you have any other babies or just your twins? It’s so fascinating to me how amazing human bodies are, but I feel like I’d just crumble.

Just twins. I’d like to have another, but not until they go to kindergarten lol.

I’m wondering the same thing because I could never.

Del said:
I’m wondering the same thing because I could never.

Literally me too… I’ve been seeing posts of people with like 3-4 babies, and I just cannot… imagine…

Del said:
I’m wondering the same thing because I could never.

I’m exhausted :joy: Today they’re all sick too, and so am I! My toddler (almost 3) has been glued to me, literally crawling into my jumper to be close to me, and my twin boys (almost 1) have been grumpy all day because of teething and colds. I can’t wait for my husband to get home, for them to be in bed, and to have a very long shower. BUT we’re having more good than bad days now, so that’s nice :blush:.

You just do it! Cause you don’t have a choice. Lol.

I’ve got a 3.5-year-old and 7-week twins. I do it because I have to! No other options! It’s going to be really hard when my husband goes back to work, but I’ll find a way to make it through.

That being said, my first well prepared me, because she was an awful sleeper and never wanted to be set down—total Velcro clingy baby. The twins are fine with being set down, they sleep pretty well (2-3 hour stretches), and they both take a pacifier if they need soothing, which my first never did. So, 2 regular babies seem to equal 1 high-needs baby. So far. It’s too early to say if they’ll always be like this lol.

I did cry, a lot! Like others said, you do what you have to do. We relied on help, veryyy heavily. When we found out it was twins, we moved back home 10 minutes from family. My mom came over every time my husband had to go to work for months. We needed a third person around to do any significant cleaning, cooking, etc. I was a sleep-deprived lunatic for a while. Now they’re 1.5, and it’s a whole different world. Congrats on your little one :hugs:

I ask my husband the same question all the time. My baby is 7 months old, is fairly easy, and we have help from family. I have no idea how we could have more than one baby.

I asked a parent of twins this, and she said this is all I know, so idk hahaha.