Or is it just me being worried
I can’t go for a shower because she could wake up, so I’ll simply watch TV instead… Three hours later, I’m still fucking stinking and Netflix is asking whether I’m still watching.
But if you had tried to take a shower, she would have woken up immediately. I don’t know how, but THEY KNOW!!
Same with hot coffee! Yes, mum, I’ve been asleep for one hour and could easily sleep for two more, but I can feel you just got yourself a wonderful cup of coffee, so helloiii.
Lmao, I just finished my cold coffee
Grab a Contigo Autoseal mug from Amazon or any other store. (I don’t work for them, just really love the mugs!) Your coffee will stay hot for most of the day. Plus, when your kids are toddlers, you won’t have to worry about spills!
I have one, but it stays too hot for too long. So I brew my coffee in a regular mug assuming I’d transfer it to the Contigo, but nope, I just end up with a regular ceramic mug with cold coffee again.
You’re right, it becomes too hot for too long, so I normally leave it slightly open… This contradicts the objective, I see that now ha.
Or you hear phantom cries and leap out of the shower, but they’re still asleep and it was all in your imagination the entire time.
The ghostly cries are very unsettling! I no longer trust my hearing. I need to validate using the video monitor.
I know …It makes one look crazy
Exactly this. Mine accidentally slept three hours in her crib the first time, and how did I spend the time? I observed her sleeping. Waiting for her to wake up.