I call them sweet girl and baby boy interchangeably
Our son is nearly 5 months old and we have 2 male dogs. We sometimes shout all 3 names before getting it right. We also started soothing our dogs in the way we do to calm the baby when they bark too much
I’ve called my son Oreo a few times now. That’s my cat’s name
I’ve never mixed my child’s name with the cat’s names but both my husband and I have made the pss pss pss sound when trying to get our 5-week-old to look at the camera. As if he can look for the camera
All the time! It doesn’t help that the dog’s and the baby’s names rhyme
My baby is almost a year old and this definitely happens at least once a week, probably more
I can’t get a single human or animal name right in this house. They know who I’m talking about and that’s what matters
Yup, I often mix my son’s name with our male cat or male dogs, but not the female cat. I also once tried to give my cat the baby’s bottle. We all got confused
Yes, all the time. My daughter’s name is Luna, and my cat’s name is Lena. I should have thought that through better
I haven’t done this myself, but I’ve been called by all of my dad’s sisters’ names and both dogs’ names, so my dad surely does this
Oh the joys of baby brain
They’re both just ‘poopy boy’ now
We mix up our cat’s name with our little one’s name on a daily basis. Our families do it too
Yes - dog mom x2, human mom x2. Our newborn is a few weeks old and I’ve had a few times where I’ll mentally go through 2-3 names (dogs/child) before saying my newborn’s name
We call both the baby and the dog bubba
No but I literally call her pediatrician the vet and tell my husband he can put her in her kennel
We have a Gogi (dog), Gracie (cat), and Grayson (1-year-old baby). I mix them all up constantly
Not me, but my mom would sometimes say ‘chite’ which in our language is what you say to a pet to tell them to go away. She would end up saying it to me instead of the cat
Lmao I have done this with my boy. I have three pets: 1 dog and 2 cats, Millie, Tillie, and Lillie and his name is not Billy. I have no idea how it happens
Not pets, just my nephew’s name for the first few weeks