Baby brought up a cold from daycare. How the heck am I supposed to care for a baby while I am this sick

My baby is four months old and is recovering from his first cold. It has spread throughout the house, and my husband and I are both quite ill. I feel really terrible. Because I am breastfeeding, I am only able to take certain medications. To top it off, LO is experiencing the four-month regression, so he was awake every hour last night. I feel like I got struck by a bus.

How do you manage?


Coffee and again sobbing.


You may also do both of these things in the shower, and the steam will assist in loosening your mucus.


Seconded, I am also pushing my hubby to take half of the night. We are both sick, so I am not doing this alone.


This, We have also recently recovered from a severe cold. My husband and I both got it, and we are dealing with teething. It is been an extremely tough week.

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To be honest, there was way more crying than coffee. I had to care for my child when he developed HFM at 6 months, and I experienced it harder and for twice as long as he did.