Baby brag for a second

I just have to brag about my baby for a second. She’s almost 9 months old and always so happy. Today, I had my first solo flight with her (just an hour to visit my family), and everything that could go wrong absolutely did. My first flight was canceled, and I was rescheduled to this morning. After two delays, it was canceled again, but I managed to get on the next flight later in the day, so I was stuck in the airport with her from 8:00 to 18:00. Luckily, I had packed two extra “just-in-case” bottles.

I had no stroller, just a baby carrier as I wore her through the airport. She didn’t cry once! She loved people-watching and even offered her soggy melty sticks to strangers. Even running on two half-hour naps instead of her usual 1.5-hour naps, she was an absolute champ. I just have to brag about her a bit.

What has your baby done today that you’re super proud of?

This is great! It’s reassuring to know that traveling with babies can go smoothly. We’ve scheduled a flight for January, and our baby girl will be 5 months old.

She is presently 10 weeks old, and I am quite pleased of her because she slept from 10.30pm to 6.30am.

My baby is also 10 weeks old as of Monday, and he wakes up at least twice every night :joy:

Humble brag, she doesn’t make a fuss.

Please tell me your way.

The most important suggestion I can provide is to make sure you have a bottle for takeoff, even if you nurse. When you take off, they must be sitting in your lap, facing forwards. I learned this the hard way on our first flight together when daughter was four months old.

Yesterday, I told my 16-month-old that we could go on a stroll after she had her shoes and socks on. Her things were in the dryer, so she went there, pulled out two socks, and handed them to me.

that’s the cutest :kissing_heart:!!! Warm little socks

She sounds like a really cool and chill baby! I envy your trip experiences with her. I love how quickly she adapted to her new environment. :star_struck:

Today I’m proud of how often my baby laughed. She is such a happy baby. I love how she laughed at me tripping on one of her toys, at me imitating animal sounds (badly), at silly faces we make, at grandma, and had a huge smile when she saw my husband come home; she was overjoyed to see her father. I want her to be that happy when she grows up; it makes me so proud.

Love a happy baby :hugs:!

Go, Mama! Be proud of yourself for carrying a nine-month-old all day (your back must be made of steel), keeping your cool through an extremely frustrating situation, and coming prepared with extra bottles!

Today, I’m proud and thankful my 4.5-month-old tends to lose it at the most inconvenient times but chooses to be calm when we’re out and about. He’ll get slightly fussy, and I’ll explain, “Oh, he needs a nap,” or “Looks like he’s getting hungry,” to others. They’re always surprised, saying their kids would have been screaming by now. I’m not sure if he’s just distracted by everything around him, but he saves the screaming and crying for when we’re back in the car until he gets his nap/snack. It removes a lot of the stress of going places!

My back is completely damaged :joy::joy:, but it’s a terrific method to exercise. I believe I burned roughly 1000 calories by walking around all day.

A baby who knows when and where to have a meltdown is a true blessing :clap:t2:

We recently finished our second journey with our 9-month-old, and I have to say, it’s a terrific age to travel with these goobs. Not too mobile yet, and ours was ecstatic to have so many people to wave and clap at; he was brightening everyone’s day, which made me extremely happy.

Yes!! It helped me remain cool all day watching how much fun she was having. And she made quite a few people’s days as well; even a couple of old ladies from my flight commented on how fantastic she did.

Your baby did better than I would in that situation

She was the only reason I did not have a mental collapse in the midst of the airport.

I was looking at some bruises on my legs lately when my daughter girl, who is a year and two weeks old, noticed them and came over to kiss the booboos!! I assumed it was an accident, so I attempted it three more times, each time with a delicate kiss on Mama’s booboos. It was quite caring and observant of her. So tender. The greatest kisses I have ever received.

How sweet!!! It’s great to know they learned from you. She knows what she gets for booboos, so she gives you the same treatment.