A Little Story About Parents With Pets

Does anyone else mix up saying ‘taking the baby to the vet’ instead of ‘the pediatrician’? Just me? My husband had a good laugh at me today.

We’ve accidentally called the bassinet our son’s crate before lol

Orion said:
We’ve accidentally called the bassinet our son’s crate before lol

Hahahaha, thanks for the laugh

Orion said:
We’ve accidentally called the bassinet our son’s crate before lol

Crib and crate for us :joy:

I can’t count how many times I’ve called my baby my cat’s name and vice versa…

Mark said:
I can’t count how many times I’ve called my baby my cat’s name and vice versa…

My cat and baby have the same name…

Niko said:

Mark said:
I can’t count how many times I’ve called my baby my cat’s name and vice versa…

My cat and baby have the same name…

Yes, it’s ‘baby’, and I’m their mommy.

OMG, me all the time!!! Hahaha, and I feel so bad afterwards. I once said it to my mom, and she was like ‘oook… so you’re taking the baby to the vet, interesting…’

Not just you! My 8 week old went to the ‘vet’ for her shots. We call her HP as a code name (human pup) because we refer to our dog as ‘pup’ all the time! We ‘pup-ify’ everything, like calling coyotes forest pups, and a city dog is a city pup. We even call the cat ‘kitkat’.

We call ours the ‘skin puppy’ :joy:

I don’t specifically do it, but I love calling our child a ‘skin baby’ just to gross my wife out :joy:

I complimented my son on being such a ‘cute puppy’ LOL

Yes!!! Thank you for this post lol. I can’t even count how often I’ve said ‘we have a vet appointment’ when talking about our baby. Also, I used to say ‘empty the litter box’ when referring to the diaper genie.

It’s just been my husband, me, and our cats for so long lol.

Guilty. We also have a DockATot that we call her baby dog bed lol

I’m still pregnant but I keep calling my baby my dog’s name :joy:

I told my husband I couldn’t wait to ‘birth this puppy’ one time, and he had a good laugh about it. I also reminded him to Aptul me and prenatal the dog (oops, that should’ve been the other way around :joy:).

I do this all the time! I have been a vet tech with many animals for years. I often say vet instead of pediatrician. Also, her crib sometimes becomes her ‘enclosure’ or ‘kennel’. I’m sure there are more mishaps as well lol

Thank goodness raising a dog prepared me for a baby. A dog is worth three babies, fun fact.

Sometimes I’ll call my dog by the baby’s nickname and vice versa. It’s going to be hilarious when the baby understands words.

I am CONSTANTLY calling my baby kitten :joy: