Why does my 2-month-old seem to adore the Hey Bear Sensory videos?

My boyfriend and I have noticed that our newborn really enjoys watching videos of fruits. It’s funny because nothing else seems to catch his attention except for the ceiling fan! I find it adorable, but I’m new to being a mom, so I’m not sure why he likes them so much. He smiles a lot when he sees them, though!

Do you know of anything else that might stimulate him like the fruit videos on YouTube? I’ve looked around, and it seems like those dancing fruits are the most popular ones!

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It is very cute how your newborn is obsessed with fruit videos! For extra stimulation, try patterned black-and-white cards, relaxing music, or rhythmic noises. Continue investigating what interests him; it is fun to see his responses!

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The videos are both calming and exciting for babies. The rhythms can soothe them, which is very helpful for tired or stressed parents.

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These videos stimulate your baby’s sight and hearing, and help improve eye coordination and movement.