Why didn’t the parenting classes tell us this?

Ever since my son started daycare, he’s been sick every couple of weeks. It’s been cold after cold; last week he had a fever for a week. Luckily I get some WFH days, otherwise I would have already exhausted my leave. Not only is he getting sick constantly, but we’re also getting sick because he’s sick…

The doctor said to expect for him to get sick regularly for the next year. After a year, the sicknesses die down.

Babies and little kids poop their germs out. I don’t know how else to explain it. :woman_shrugging: But it seems to me that my kiddos always, even now, will have tummy troubles along with colds. As older kids, it’s usually at the tail end (my kiddos are 5) – likely from all of the mucus they swallow sniffling rather than blowing their noses. But as babies, it’s more constant and worse. Just realize that that’s the baby trying to get better, and invest in lots of Aquaphor. :ok_hand:t3:

Also, they will ALWAYS make you sick. Accept that early on and you’ll be much happier. They’ll make you sick directly, or a partner who will in turn give it to you anyhow. That’s the way of things. Also – your sick time at work is no longer for you – it’s for being home to care for them. :sob: It will get better, but the first 2-3 years are the hardest. Especially with daycare kids.

No one tells you because, well – they don’t want to talk you out of continuing the species. :joy: But also, there’s SO much we just don’t talk about around creating, gestating, and raising kids in general, and it’s really kind of sad. I think sometimes I should write a really honest book, but I have twins, so I have no time. :joy::cry:

Gently, do you not know any children? It is a really well-known phenomenon. It really is normal. The older generations jokingly called it kennel cough.

Seriously, daycare kids will catch every single germ imaginable for the first couple of years. Regardless, the moment babies start socializing, expect lots of colds and flus.

Toddlers are typically covered in snot October through April lol.

For the diaper rash, mix a liquid antacid such as Mylanta or Pepto with her diaper rash cream! It will help with the acid irritation on her butt! Also, if you’re brave, lay a doggy potty pad in her crib during nap time and let her air it out! Definitely do saline at least 5 times a day and suck her nose out 3-4 times a day! You should also use a humidifier in her room to keep everything moist in the air!

Ugh, we were sick every 2 weeks for like 7 months. It was brutal.

If you can, try and get some lidocaine if you can get it. It is an over-the-counter medication here.

I used it when my boy had diarrhea and ended up with open wounds. I told daycare not to wipe, and they would have to pat the area as per dr’s instructions. Hmmm, well, they wiped, and the skin came off, and they wiped poop all through it.

I was pretty mad about it. But he would clamp his butt cheeks and arch his back so just his head and feet were on the changing table and scream bloody murder every time we had to change him. I would have to hold him down, pry his legs apart, and put lidocaine on it. He would peak when I touched it, but in a matter of seconds, it would be numb and I could do what I had to do.

I would just hug him and say “daddy knows, I know little man, daddy knows” over and over.

If you ask him now “what does dad say?” He will still say “daddy knows”… poor little fellow, broke my heart.

Just keep fluids up, try to get through it; it is rough as f*ck but colds do get less frequent. Hang in there!

I would not start until at least 2 months minimum when they have some sort of a development of an immune system if you have the choice… That is not normal though, and you may need to find a cleaner daycare if you don’t have other options.

She’s almost 6 months.

And she is at one of the cleanest, nicest daycares in the area.

Unfortunately, that is normal lol. It’s worse if the daycare ISN’T clean.

8 weeks is lucky for maternity care in some places.