When should I be concerned about constipation?

My baby is just over 2 weeks old. Yesterday, he struggled with gas and cried for 7 hours straight. My husband and I tried everything, burping, rocking, walking, and bicycling his legs. I used the Frida Windi and a newborn pacifier to help him stop sucking in the air. Now we’re using Mylicon after every feeding.

Today, he seems tired and his temperature feels normal. I think he’s just worn out from all the crying, but he was awake and engaging during his usual wake times.

He had only one big poopy diaper today, whereas before, he’d have a dirty diaper every feeding. He’s also been a bit lazy about eating.

Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be concerned about constipation or anything else? :thinking::thought_balloon:

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Your baby might be tired from a long day of crying due to gas. It’s normal for newborns to have days when they eat less, poop less, and sleep more. Although you should keep an eye out for signs of constipation, such as fewer wet diapers or a loss of appetite, it’s common for breastfed babies to have fewer dirty diapers. If you’re concerned about your baby, it’s best to consult your doctor.

EBF or FF? It looks like your baby might be dealing with constipation. How is the baby’s behavior after the drops?

It’s normal to have at least one wet and one dirty diaper a day, so that’s a good sign.

“Temperature seems fine to the touch”

Adult body temperatures are pretty similar to babies’—between 93 and 98 degrees. Since we’re all around the same temperature, it’s hard to gauge a baby’s exact temperature by touch. A temperature a couple of degrees higher could mean 100.4°F, which might indicate a problem. Do you have a thermometer? The most accurate way to measure temperature is rectally.

Check the temperature to rule out any unexpected sicknesses or infections.

Our family faced a similar issue, and when the crying became overwhelming, we scheduled an appointment with the pediatrician. We were given a diluted laxative to help if the crying persisted.

Good luck! :blush: