When did your infant start sitting up by themselves?

My baby is five and a half months old, and while I try not to compare her to other babies, it seems like she is a long way off from being able to sit on her own. Despite our best efforts to acclimate her, she consistently attempts to throw herself backward or falls forward, hitting her head on the ground. Some folks claim that their 4-month-old kids are already sitting, but I’m not sure if those are exceptional babies or just a one-off.

It was 6.5 months for me. It can happen quickly; mine went from not looking good at all to looking wonderful in about two weeks.

I’ve heard that 4 months is a little early. A little over six is about average. She will arrive when she is ready, so don’t worry.

Mine was six months, and it seemed so abrupt! As if there hadn’t been a steady transition to sitting alone. She kept falling over until she realized that she could use her hands to support herself while she was still sitting if she leaned forward. and following that, she was sitting without assistance in a matter of days! A few weeks afterward, she was able to sit independently.

Every infant is unique. My infant was army crawling at six months old, but he had little interest in sitting. She did fine with support in the high chair, but she would not remain motionless when we attempted to place her on the ground. We simply allowed her lots of floor time to wander around and discover things at her own pace. She began to crawl on her knees and sit in a tripod position at eight months old, and by nine months, she was sitting up on her own.

My gal sounds like this. She recently turned six months old on the solstice, and she moves her body a much. She can roll and push herself off items to get from one end of the room to the other in a matter of minutes, but she refuses to practice sitting, so at the moment she’s the wobbliest sitter. I’ve just come to terms with letting her be, clearing the space, and granting her autonomy. That it will arrive when she is ready is encouraging.

My daughter was almost five months old when she was able to sit up without assistance, but my friend’s baby was born on the same day, and even though we don’t do the same things all the time, he is now six months old and much closer to crawling than mine was. My daughter is talking, but hers is eating solid food much more successfully. To be honest, every baby is unique; they all learn various skills from one another and progress at different rates. I wouldn’t worry about it just yet.

Mine was about five months old, and since he could sit through the majority of the time, we began solid foods at five and a half. I used to kind of prop up his hips and thighs as he sat so he could rock without falling and could eventually learn how to fix himself! It seems to have been helpful.

However, I wouldn’t stress yourself out because babies all grow at their own pace! I’ve seen parents on here with babies who need assistance sitting, even at 7+ months of age!