When did you stop giving your kid a burp?

At eight months old, my kid still gets burped by me. Inquisitive about other guardians.


Around 5 months, I stopped ensuring that the baby sat up straight after feedings, and the burp happened on its own in a matter of seconds.


@Candy Same with my 6-month-old! No more endless back-patting sessions. :rofl:


@Whitney Likewise! Usually, if the baby needs to burp, he will do so on his own. However, if he is chugging or I hear him gulping air, I will stop and give him a burp. My infant is now 6.5 months old.


Burping a newborn after breastfeeding is generally less frequent because they tend to swallow less air. Most babies will naturally outgrow the need to be burped by the age of 4-6 months. You can often tell if a baby needs to be burped if they become squirmy or pull away during feeding.

While some babies may still require burping up to about 6 months old, many show signs of being able to relieve their own gas by 3-4 months. This timing varies based on individual development rather than strictly age.