What to do with your 6 month old all day?

I actually did look into swimming lessons but I live in a small city so there’s like nothing here and the closest one I can find is like 50ish min to an hr away :confused: I’m going to try and look into baby and me fitness classes!

Get a playpen! That’s how I get stuff done with my 6mo old. If she’s clingy sometimes I’ll move her playpen to where she can see what I’m doing. I also recently got her some stacking cups and she’s FASCINATED by them. And her grandma got her this light up music toy that will keep her entertained for at least 5 minutes at a time.

Taking baby on an errand literally to just get out of the house. My husband and I also take her on our dates lol.

Give baby random household stuff to play with. Ours finds entertainment in random stuff - a remote, a spatula, a box, crinkly paper, etc. Some stuff obviously has to be supervised.

I also like teaching my baby how to crawl, sit, etc lol. She’s entertained, I’m entertained, we have fun.

How’s your 6 month baby already crawling and standing?

Presley said:
How’s your 6 month baby already crawling and standing?

Only God knows really. He started trying to crawl like around 4.5ish months maybe by going on all fours and rocking back and forth and now he can full-on crawl. He’s not like super proficient and fast, but he does crawl lol. He’s not standing by himself but more like assisted standing if that makes sense? Like he pulls himself up and will stand while holding onto something.

I do a lot of baby wearing if they’re fussy, 2-3 walks a day with my audio book I’m addicted to. Take them shopping with me. Bath. Introduce food. Nap with them. It can be monotonous.