Seeing the navigation to streets only so I can pull over at any time, lol.
We have a 3-month-old now and have been taking him out plenty for short outings like the store, a walk, or a coffee/lunch since he was about 2 weeks old. It gets easier the more you do it!
He doesn’t like the bassinet attachment in the stroller anymore (probably hates laying flat), so we just keep him in the car seat, never more than 1-1.5 hours at a time, or baby wear. I use a wrap carrier but just got the Baby Bjorn harmony. We baby wear all the time at home, so he is used to it.
Keep an extra outfit in your diaper bag! I’ve only had to use it once when he spit up a bunch, but it’s good to have. If your baby is a spitter like mine, keep a bib on him in the car seat so he doesn’t spit all over the buckle!
Have two diaper bags. One small bag that you take with you only has 2 diapers, wipes, 1 outfit, and 1 pacifier. (I used a fanny pack for this) and the bigger diaper bag with everything you need daily stays in the car so you have it out but don’t need to carry it. We did lots of trips in the car seat but if you’re against it, get a stroller with a bassinet attachment.
My baby is 3.5 months, and we go out every day! I live in a big city, though, so there is lots to do close by. Get a backpack and put nappies, wipes, a spare outfit, a muslin, and whatever you need for feeding. I baby wear him in the carrier because I prefer that to having a big pram to carry on the bus etc. I also have a baby wearing coat so if it’s cold, I can zip him up in it and we are both cosy.
We go to meet other mums in cafes and coffee shops, we go to bring your baby events like baby cinema or baby bingo. We go to a baby class at the local community centre. We have been to a local art gallery. We go to the library. We go to the park a LOT and baby naps while I walk him around so we both get some fresh air and I get some exercise. Sometimes we just go to the supermarket! I think it’s good for baby to see places and faces, and it means I don’t have to entertain him all day by myself.
Once you start it will be less scary, I think. Baby rarely cries when we are out; I think he likes to see all the different things, so you will probably find it easier than you expect.
I always have two bags packed; I just replenish with anything I use. It has diapers, wipes, bags for dirty diapers, changing mat, two sets of clothes, a spare bottle, and RTF formula, a spare pacifier, a blanket, muslins, and bibs. One bag hangs off my stroller handlebar, and the other is in my car. So I don’t really have to think about packing to go anywhere. In terms of outings, I go everywhere with my baby. To the supermarket, library, shopping, parks, farmer’s markets, restaurants, and cafes. We go swimming, view animals at the petting zoo, and go to baby cinema and theatre events. I go to four different classes a week (currently gymnastics, signing, baby sensory, and an exercise class for me). Honestly, it is so good to get out of the house; it’s great for my mental health, and honestly, I find my baby is easier outside the house. It’s much easier to pass the time out and about.
Literally anywhere you want to go. Shopping, groceries, take yourself to lunch, go to a local park and enjoy the sunshine. This is a great age for just looking at things!
Keep everything in the car. Diaper bag, carrier, stroller, etc. If I want to go somewhere, all I need to do is feed him, diaper change, and out the door. I usually do things after his first nap because that’s the only nap where he sleeps in his crib and I can get ready. I try to leave every day to build up my confidence and get over my baby crying in public anxiety.
Usually the Library which is close by. We’ll start doing activities at the Family Hub near us soon. They have lots of baby classes. Also, there are lots of walks after his feed. Ponds that are nearby to watch the ducks, swans, seagulls, etc. Down the high street to browse in shops. Meeting up with friends at a baby-friendly café. Also, having friends come and visit us. We’ve been on the bus a couple of times, so we need to do that again.
I highly recommend mall walking! It’s amazing. Most malls have walking hours before stores open, and it’s never crowded.
We’ve been taking our 2.5-month-old to the park every weekend. It’s super close, we make an afternoon of it, and it gets our 4-year-old out of the house. I pack the morning of, take a picnic blanket, baby carrier, diaper bag/bottles, etc., since I usually wear her and she falls asleep on me. I pack us lunches and snacks and we’ll take an activity for our 4-year-old or just let her run around the playground. We get some steps in, fresh air, and vitamin D. It’s been great for all of us. Summer is coming and we’re in AZ… I’m definitely going to miss this .