I’m aware that every baby is different, but I was mostly curious to know if you had any tips for calming your crying infant down for fun.
My five-week-old, who is an FTM, refuses to take naps during the day and will act up until he finally calms down and goes to sleep. I would be happy to adopt any of your favorite movements to see whether it benefits my child!
My son becomes instantly calmer when we go outside. He also enjoys being turned onto his stomach on my arm and staring down (I now use my legs as he’s just five months old). We still use the tip that his pediatrician told us a few times a week.
That’s what I did this morning, holding him face down, and it worked! It blew my head and stopped him crying quickly. Though I was holding him face down, I couldn’t help but wonder if they preferred to sleep on their stomachs. Since my son is just five weeks old, he ought to sleep on his back. If this trick works for us, am I setting myself up for a dangerous habit?
What a speedy operation it has! My son didn’t develop a harmful habit as a result. So far, he has only slept on his back. He just started rolling, so I imagine that will soon change.
That wouldn’t concern me in the slightest. You only want to console them at this time; there’s no proof that it makes them prefer anything. Furthermore, it will probably take him a few more months to learn how to roll over and sleep on his stomach.
My seven-week-old baby has always slept on his back, yet he is comforted when carried face down. To get him to stop fussing, I hold him face down. I don’t turn him over until he begins to fall asleep. It takes patience at times, and it works swiftly at others. Maintaining it can be challenging, but patience is essential!
bouncing on a fitness ball and watching a “womb sounds” YouTube video. White noise with sounds of swishing water and a heartbeat. It’s one of the few things that will nearly immediately calm him down after 14 weeks.