What are primary caregivers doing all day

Yes this explains the age perfectly!! It feels like I just float around all day and then wasn’t sure if I was missing something :joy:.

My LO is 4 months next week and it’s groundhog day every day! I kind of plop her around the house (I have a good 20 minutes of pleasant-ness after I feed her), so I make my bed, change her clothes, sometimes before that first nap we go for a walk. If I’m lucky I get nap trapped for a walk and end up walking in circles for an hour while I let her sleep. We rotate like 8 different things on repeat every day. Singing to her on her favorite changing table, talking nonsense while she’s babbling, wearing her for a nap or even just walking around doing chores, going to the grocery store or coffee shop if she’s happy, or playing with the dog while I wear her on my hip. Her wake windows are 1.5ish-2 hours so these things on repeat go by pretty fast.

I do 100% dread it some days but life won’t always be this simple, so I remind myself to take it easy. The walks & grocery store visits are more for me than her.

This sounds like I could’ve written it word for word. Right in it with you!

Hale said:
This sounds like I could’ve written it word for word. Right in it with you!


Yes exactly! It feels like an endless cycle some days. I’ve been trying to arrange catch-ups with other moms in our group but they never seem keen and it made me wonder why nobody else seems to be bored or wanted to break up the day.

I have a bunch of hobbies and I work out a lot, so between the baby, my hobbies, my workout schedule, cleaning, etc I’m always busy. I barely have time to eat lol.

Have you looked at mom walks groups on IG for your area? It may help make some local mom friends to talk to and get inspiration from.

That’s how I felt around that age too. My baby’s 5 months now and she’s so interactive that I don’t feel lonely anymore. In the mornings we go out for a drive (usually a drive-thru and I’ll get coffee or something). She loves looking out the window and feeling the breeze. At home I’ll put her on her playmat or swing and do stuff like crochet, read, watch TV, or cook. Honestly, the day flies for me cause I try to do so much in addition to taking care of her.

This sounds dreamy!! Hoping at 5 months we can do a bit more together :pray:t2:.

I’m in your exact shoes! My little guy is four months and also doesn’t nap well. Those appropriate wake windows don’t apply to him as he stays awake far longer. Only so many walks and tummy time that I can do. He’s not interested in toys and I get 20-30 minutes peace when I put him down… it’s exhausting.

Yes exactly! I get such anxiety putting him down knowing I have about 20 mins of time to myself and how I’ll spend those precious minutes.

My sister takes her little one to the zoo; they have a membership. He’s gotten real confident feeding the giraffes.

The science museum has a family membership and kids’ events all the time too.

Have you looked for baby playgroups in your area?

There’s an app called Peanut that allows you to connect with other mamas in your area. I’ve met a few people on there who I now go on walks with.

I own my own business so I am tied up in so much administration and get so far behind because this little madam takes up so much of my time. On the days I am up to date, we read, practice rolling over, go outside with the dogs and listen to the birds and watch them swimming in our pool. We play on the play gym, we do a dance session and sing some praise and worship songs which she loves, and we try get out with dad if he isn’t too busy with clients in the afternoon and will either do a shop run or go to a local cafe or park vibe and walk with her either in pram or carrier.