Get the baby used to carriers /being worn. Take more videos.
Teo said:
Get the baby used to carriers /being worn. Take more videos.
Definitely this!!
Accept more help. I was so worried about germs that I kept close family members who could have given me some much needed breaks away.
Sophie said:
Accept more help. I was so worried about germs that I kept close family members who could have given me some much needed breaks away.
I have a coworker who has been giving me shit for having family come over every weekend since our baby was born, talking about germs and all that other crap. Baby is just fine, so he can literally stfu🙄
Go to parent baby events more. My husband was still on paternity leave and most of the events in the city are on weekdays and we could’ve met other new parents together.
Watch a ton of shows since naps are frequent and baby wasn’t aware of the tv yet.
Get baby used to the carrier while he was small, because he isn’t used to it now and also he’s too heavy for me.
Lean into contact naps and savour them.
I wish I let go of the house more/other responsibilities and just focused on keeping myself fed, clean, and the baby(of course).
i stressed myself out so much thinking about when I’d get the house perfect again and I should’ve just accepted it wasn’t going to be for quite a long time
Our apartment is in total shambles right now lol, no dirty dishes or anything gross, just a good bit of clutter everywhere.
Dana said:
Our apartment is in total shambles right now lol, no dirty dishes or anything gross, just a good bit of clutter everywhere.
it’s fr the only way to get by with a newborn.
Take advantage of long naps if your baby is having them! My baby was taking 1/2 hr naps at this time and I was able to get so much done or even nap myself! Now I’m at 5mo with my kiddo and he will only take 30/40 min naps at a time!
Get out of the house!! Now that I have a toddler, I think nostalgically on the days when I could just strap a baby to me and go out for a walk or run an errand. I’m not sure I took advantage enough.
On the flip side, lean into being a homebody. The slowness of newborn time goes by quick.
sleep when baby sleeps. I mean it. At least 1x a day I started doing it around 2-3m and it was absolutely what saved my (mental and physical) health.
i don’t know if you breastfeed, but at 2m i was doing so much, including triple feeding, to up my supply. I wish someone told me earlier that fenugreek could either up or tank your supply. Had I known earlier that I was one of the latter!
Poopsplosions on white/clear rompers: rinse the poop off, wash them like regular, then let the sun hit the poop stain for a day. GONE LIKE MAGIC.
2 months is when I went back to work, and the schedule/routine “forced” on us was when everything, ironically, got remarkably easier. We went from completely winging it schedule-wise to a natural rhythm of bedtime, night feeds, and naps. He is a much happier baby. If you haven’t imposed a routine, start ASAP.
I have two.
- More skin to skin time, as much as possible. I had wrongly assumed that it’s more of a newborn thing. Skin to skin is awesome always, I miss it so much. Clothes are overrated.
- Keep a daily diary. A sentence or so is enough. I always thought I’ll start “tomorrow” and I had the diary and just didn’t. I wish I had!
sorry 3 monthly photos in the same setting. I was planning to do milestone photos of him asleep in his bed. Only took ONE (facepalm). Now I wish I had them.
Get the fisher price tummy time piano kit, best $40 ever spent.
Do independent play. Leave baby in a safe area to play by themselves while you use the restroom, make a quick breakfast, or drink some coffee. Now at 4 months my son will play by himself for a solid 20mins and I can prep dinner or do something I need to do while he plays. I have a baby play mat that goes up on the sides that I use for this and it’s perfect!
Give baby room temp or cold bottles. No more needing warm water.
I went out and about. Popped in and out of stores got a membership to a place i could wander during the day. Joined a YMCA to get babes in the pool.
Tummy time, we sucked at that.