The only thing that keeps me pumping is the cost of formula

Corey said:
Why don’t you breastfeed your child directly? It’s much easier than dealing with pumping and bottles!

This is tone-deaf and tacky.

Not all children latch correctly. Some moms lack access to their babies all the time. Others have a preference against exclusively breastfeeding.

Corey said:
Why don’t you breastfeed your child directly? It’s much easier than dealing with pumping and bottles!

I opted against nursing as it would negatively impact my mental health. OP surely has valid reasons for her choice.

For what it’s worth, since I stopped giving my daughter breastmilk, we’ve all gotten sick multiple times. Since November, we’ve faced norovirus, flu, and several other bugs. There have only been two weeks where we all stayed healthy. If I were to have another baby, I wouldn’t stop breastmilk until after flu season.