Hi there! I’m a new mom and yesterday my uncle came over to meet our 6-week-old son. When I handed him over, my uncle immediately kissed him on the cheek. I didn’t see any sores on him, but I panicked and quickly cleaned off my baby. I explained that we’re not doing kisses, but I still feel like I failed to protect my baby. Now, I’m terrified he could get HSV1. Has anyone experienced something similar, and was your baby okay? I’d appreciate any advice or shared experiences. Thank you so much.
It happens, and it’s okay. Don’t blame yourself or stress too much about it. Many family members have kissed my child before I had a chance to intervene, and she never caught anything. Just try your best to communicate “no kisses” to people when they first enter the room. Many people who haven’t had a child in the past decade may not be aware of this guideline.
However, it’s important to note that there will be countless things throughout your child’s early life that might trigger anxiety. Try your best to manage it, or you’ll end up driving yourself crazy. Trust that they will be okay.
Most American adults, about 50-80%, have oral herpes. It’s probable that your child will encounter it sometime in their life. It’s not dangerous, and it won’t cause serious problems. Sometimes it can be bothersome and a little painful during flare-ups if they do get it.
I find it really strange that some people don’t realize they shouldn’t kiss babies that aren’t theirs. It’s weird!