When I (dad) went back to work, it forced us to try new things to help increase his sleep for the sake of ours. Two weeks ago, it was a crapshoot, and now it’s like we have a new baby/nighttime experience. (Worth noting that our baby loves bottles, so if you’re only breastfeeding, some points might not work. We also broke a few rules, so take this with a grain of salt).
First, we got him a little co-sleep pad/bed thing and started keeping him in bed with us safely. It’s made him sleep harder and for longer periods, and I’m convinced he can sense we’re close because when he wakes, it is no longer instant crying.
Second, if you’re pumping, separate the “day” and “night” milk. Night milk has melatonin in it from mom.
Third, feed him on his side while he’s clean and warm and ready for bed. We bottle feed a lot, so I’ll let him drink himself to sleep, and it has worked like a charm. Feeding him on his side makes it so he can more safely drink without coughing or choking since the milk builds in his cheek.
Fourth, make sure he’s warm. I’m a hot sleeper, so I was projecting my hate for blankets onto my baby, who was double-layered already. Once we started draping a small blanket over his legs and belly, he started sleeping longer.
Fifth, I bought a small back support wedge and put it under the head-side of his little bed thing. It allows us to feed him without burping him, which lets him ride that milk high to sleep without us picking him up.
Again, we bent/broke a few “safe sleeping” rules that we used to follow religiously. I firmly believe in safe sleep, but I also believe in trying new things to find any equilibrium.