lol I can’t imagine trying to have a political conversation with my wife in that first week - that’s crazy. Her world was baby baby baby and that’s how it should be. We’re four weeks in now and I feel like she’s just starting to look around again.
4 months PP and if baby is in the same room as me my thoughts are still all about him. If he’s sleeping peacefully/deeply then it’s easier to focus with him there. When I’m at work or something the thoughts still come but it’s not as all consuming as when I’m with him.
At 1 week I couldn’t even tell you what I wanted to eat.
Lean into it. Ignore the world for now. Enjoy your newborn bubble while you can.
I remember this so well. I stopped contributing to group chats with friends because I just couldn’t give anyone else any of my attention. It lasted a few months I’d say. Maybe 4?
Girl im not even post partum yet and all my brain is doing is BABYBABYBBYBBBBBYYYBYBYBYBYB on repeat.
I’d guess it lasts until they start being able to somewhat self-regulate.
About a month or two and even then it was still mainly baby. I’m closer to 4 months and I finally feel like I have a better balance.
I’m 8 weeks postpartum and still in a fog.
My twins were 1 week old and in the NICU for the 2024 election… which probably saved my sanity now that I think about it because I was far too busy thinking about them to stress about all that.
Totally normal to be in full baby mode right now! Your brain and body have been prepping for this for months so now your brain is focused on “finishing” the baby task. Add sleep deprivation and responding to baby cues… of course that’s your focus!
I had a friend bring me out for coffee for an hour around 3 weeks and specifically told them to not “let” me discuss baby and to PLEASE gossip with me about their job or family or literally anything. It helped.
5 months and I’m able to think about other stuff!
It’s called mom brain and nature intended it to be that way. Don’t feel bad.
Yeah I think I felt like this until maybe 3 months. Little by little it got better. I remember the first time I was in the car and I looked out the window instead of just staring at my baby and I felt like I was in a different city. I was like “how long has that construction site been there? When did that building go up??”
I’m almost 4 months postpartum, I’ve forgotten to have non-baby related conversations. I keep making family come to me and tell me mundane things about their lives like what they had for breakfast etc just so I can have something else to think about.
My whole reading genre has turned to baby stuff too. So I really don’t know anything else happening in the world (except for some recent big news abroad lol).
I’m almost 6 months pp and my mind is still baby baby baby lol I am told that your normal brain will return eventually, I don’t see it right now and I struggle to have adult conversations but honestly ain’t mad at it lol politics are a dumpster fire right now in the US and I still have issues concentrating especially when baby cries or grunts or just generally seems displeased verbally lol.
Just had a breakdown last night with my husband because (13 month baby now) this is still happening to me. It’s a constant loop of what’s baby going to eat for breakfast, lunch etc.? Are we doing enough activities together? Is he getting enough solo play? Am I doing this right??? This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Every time I think I got the balance right (cleaning, prepping baby care etc), at the end of the night I’m crying because I feel like it’s never enough. Anybody else?
my baby is 17 almost 18months and same i feel bad for anyone else especially friends because i just dont have other topics to talk about.
that’s perfectly fine and what nature has designed your brain to do. congrats! you’re doin great.
I’m 7months pp, and it has not gotten better lol.