I'm worried I didn't do enough tummy time

My baby is 7 months old now, and she’ll be 8 months on October 7th. She still won’t push up on her hands during tummy time. I went through a tough period of PPD and feel like I didn’t get enough of the recommended tummy time in, and now I’m paying for it. Please tell me I’m not alone. I manage about an hour a day now, but the thought that I missed her crucial days and she’s not doing what other babies can do at this age is eating me alive. She sits up so well and has great leg strength, but she just collapses when I put her on her arms. How can I fix this? She wants to move so badly.

Edit: I should add that in her first few months, her reflux was so bad that she would freak out during tummy time until we picked her up. It was constant refusal, so I often gave up.

I did a lot of tummy time. My kid never pushed up with his hands, either.

He could sit up without assistance between 6-7 months and began crawling at 9 months. He learned to crawl from a sitting position.

At 11 months, he’s fast crawling everywhere and tummy time seems like a distant memory LOL. Your daughter will get there.

Oh my god, this sounds exactly like my baby, and I was afraid too! Mine just turned 7 months old yesterday, however he has always had tremendous leg and neck strength, but when we put him on his arms, he seemed to have no strength!

He’s just starting to hold himself up with his arms when we put him on his tummy and knees, and perhaps he’ll start crawling from a seated position instead, like yours!! This gave me so much optimism, haha!

You did your best. All I can say is that my parents never gave me or my siblings tummy time, and we all grew up healthy. He will get there. Discuss this with your pediatrician at your next checkup. But please do not blame yourself.

May I ask if the form of your heads is still round? I also didn’t give my baby tummy time, so the back of her head is now flat; I’m hoping it will cure itself when she reaches.

I gave my kid plenty of tummy time, but he still developed a large flat patch on the back of his head from lying on his back all night. When he began rolling and sitting about 4/5 months, he filled out considerably and looks terrific at 6.5 months, so your kid will most likely be OK. Obviously, if you’re concerned or it’s extremely flat, you can visit a doctor!

I gave my kid plenty of tummy time, but he still developed a large flat patch on the back of his head from lying on his back all night. When he began rolling and sitting about 4/5 months, he filled out considerably and looks terrific at 6.5 months, so your kid will most likely be OK. Obviously, if you’re concerned or it’s extremely flat, you can visit a doctor!

I believe she’ll get there. We also didn’t do much tummy time because baby was so tired and low-energy when she was younger. She wouldn’t lift her head; she’d just sit there and complain. Now (9 months), she is quite active, and I don’t think it matters much. I would continue to place the baby on their tummy, perhaps with a yoga ball in front of a mirror or a rolled towel under the chest.

It’s okay, Mama. I was worried about the same issue. My youngster showed very little interest in crawling. Of course, after the pediatrician dismissed my concerns, I turned to the internet for assistance. She army crawled right at 10 months, grasping for the remote. She is 22 months old and runs about all day. She always surprises me with what she knows and understands.

When I start worrying about milestones, she takes care of it a few weeks later. It has taught me that she follows her own schedule.

Simply stay at it. You are doing fantastic.

Every baby has their own timeline :two_hearts: