I sleep more now than I ever have

Our little one was the same for the longest time! She always preferred a late bedtime but would sleep without any wakes from 11 PM to 11 or 11:30 AM, and it was blissful, even if it was still hard for me to sleep at times. Sadly, the regression DID come for us, and it seems to never end. Regardless of whether it changes for you or not, enjoy it! You shouldn’t feel guilty for enjoying the benefits of a baby that sleeps well.

It’s total luck, but yeah, I also have a good sleeper. He has been sleeping through the night (12 hours) since he was 12 weeks old (before that, he was doing 8 hours at 8 weeks). He’s not particularly big either—exactly in the 50th percentile—but the little one just loves his sleep. He’s 7 months old and still sleeps 3-4 hours during the day too. I just stay quiet if people are talking about baby sleep.