I sleep more now than I ever have

Trigger warning - my LO sleeps well

My LO is 3 months now. He was born 5.5KGs, which I think helped him sleep better, and I’ll explain why shortly.

All my life and throughout my pregnancy, I was trying to get as much sleep as possible, knowing that I might not sleep properly again for another decade. Everyone said, ‘Get your sleep in now, because you won’t sleep when LO is here. Your life is going to change; you’ll never sleep the same again.’ I heard stories like, ‘I didn’t sleep until my baby was in school,’ or ‘My son didn’t sleep well until he was 2’, etc.

I know those are common stories, but for some crazy reason, I think I won the parent lottery. It feels like I’m waiting for my son to have a sleep regression, but he doesn’t.

When he was first born, he would sleep for 4-6 hour stretches. Being born at 5.5KG allowed him to drink 60-80ml per feeding right away. According to the doctors, this helped him feel full longer, so I didn’t have to wake him for feedings. Just a week after birth, he started drinking 4 oz per feeding.

Weeks 2-4 were challenging because he was gassy, but that’s all. After week 4, everything was perfect again.

My LO goes to sleep at 7 PM and wakes up at 7 AM every single night. Then he takes his naps, does tummy time, plays, eats, and back to naps.

Last month, we traveled to Europe and went to Dubai, and he slept the entire 12-hour flight—it was a red-eye.

I’ve started pumping less and now give him 40% formula and 60% breast milk, which allows me to get more sleep. Last night, I slept for 10 hours! I woke up once to dream feed him and did a pump.

I have so much time for myself—I shower every day, clean our apartment, make dinner, etc.

This has just been the best for us. My husband also sleeps a full 8 hours uninterrupted every night.

Now, everyone is telling me to wait for the 4-month sleep regression, but I never share his sleep schedule unless someone specifically asks me. I feel scared and guilty. I feel guilty because everyone else is complaining about their baby’s sleep, and I feel horrible if I say that mine sleeps great. So, sometimes I’ll just say, ‘Oh yeah, he’s keeping me up all night,’ and similar things.

I guess I just needed a space to share this without being judged for showing off and also to give hope to anyone who isn’t a parent yet—that maybe, just maybe, you’ll have a unicorn baby like mine, and life can be wonderful as a parent. You may not lose any sleep and have a little munchkin who wakes up super happy and excited every day.

I’m here in solidarity because SAME! I don’t ever share this with any new mother because they’ll think I’m bragging or they will hate me for not struggling as much. My baby struggled with sleep for the first 2 weeks when we discovered she had a dairy sensitivity. After switching to a full-time formula she can handle, she has slept 8-12 hours every night without fail and naps 2-3 times a day. I don’t know if it’s because she’s formula-fed or in the 90th percentile for weight, but it’s amazing. I’m staring at her on the monitor, sound asleep, and I’ll do a dream feed before I go to bed.

I’m so happy you’ve had a great experience with your baby!! Mine is 6 months and has yet to have a regression, so yours likely won’t.

Thanks so much for sharing!! I’m praying he’s like your baby and doesn’t regress. Mine is in the 99th percentile, so maybe that helps?! And he’s combo-fed with breast milk and formula as well.

It’s 8:47 PM where I am, and I have 5 hours to myself between 7 PM-12 AM. Then I sleep from 12 AM-7 AM, and he sleeps the entire time.

Last night he slept from 6 AM-8 AM!

That’s awesome!!! Don’t let people get you down. It is truly a blessing what you’re experiencing! My best friend has a nearly 2-year-old who has slept through the night since she was about 4 months old! Now, as a toddler, she lays down and says ‘night night’ and kicks my friend out so she can sleep! Hopefully, your LO is like this too!

A dream!! So cute! Thanks for sharing and being so supportive :heart::heart:

Ren said:
A dream!! So cute! Thanks for sharing and being so supportive :heart::heart:

For sure! :heart: You have nothing to feel bad or guilty about! I say this as a mom to an 8-month-old who wakes up every hour, or two if I’m lucky :woman_facepalming::joy:

Well, I hope they grow up to be the best kid and adult ever!! Hahaha :heart::heart:

Ren said:
Well, I hope they grow up to be the best kid and adult ever!! Hahaha :heart::heart:

Aww, thank you!! Me too!! lol :heart:

My baby’s sleep is currently pretty decent, but we had some ROUGH beginnings. Honestly, I love hearing about babies who do sleep well. I don’t know why, even as much as it’s nice to relate, at 3 AM when I haven’t slept, I want to read something uplifting. Additionally, something that calmed my baby was talking, so I would read Reddit posts out loud, and I’d much rather read a success story instead.

Don’t let “just you wait” comments get you down. Enjoy every second with your baby as they are, without fear. They may change later, but what good does worrying about that help? Especially if they keep being an absolute dream (pun intended).

Girl, me too!!! My son is 4 months old as of yesterday, and he sleeps so well! However, he’s kind of up all day, which can be tiring because he’s at that stage where it’s constant moving from swing to tummy time and trying to entertain him. :joy: But I feel bad when asked and someone expects me to say that he’s waking up like crazy.

This isn’t a ‘just you wait’ comment, but more of an enjoy every minute of it. Baby/toddler sleep is never linear. Developmental leaps, sickness, and babies just being babies can all happen.

These days/weeks/months are a blessing.

That’s amazing! Mine has been a bad sleeper, but I’m happy to hear that it doesn’t have to be that way. I’m expecting my second and hoping for an easier baby this time around :crossed_fingers:t3:

Denim said:
That’s amazing! Mine has been a bad sleeper, but I’m happy to hear that it doesn’t have to be that way. I’m expecting my second and hoping for an easier baby this time around :crossed_fingers:t3:

Thank you! Hoping the same for you :heart:
I did have a horrible third trimester and was hospitalized multiple times for extreme heart palpitations, had a C-section, and hemorrhaged. So I’m really glad he’s a good sleeper, lol—otherwise I’d probably absolutely hate this chapter :cry::cry:

People are telling us to ‘just wait,’ and here I am, still waiting. :angry: Our LO (14 weeks) doesn’t sleep as perfectly as yours but well enough for us to get enough sleep. He goes down anytime between 8 and 9:30 PM and then sleeps for 5-7 hours straight, followed by one feed anytime between 1:30-3 AM (and he drinks FAST at night). He goes back to sleep until around 6-7:30 AM. We’d love a little more consistency for the exact times, but I’m not going to complain. :joy:

Hope your kiddo continues sleeping well, and please never feel bad about it! Ultimately, everyone should be happy that you, your baby, and your husband are getting healthy sleep. :relieved:

Solidarity! My baby is also a unicorn. Except she doesn’t love tummy time even now at 6 months. But she slept through from the start, and I used to have to wake her to feed her in the early days. She never had a 4-month sleep regression and isn’t having one now at 6 months.

She also naps during the day, and right after her first bottle of the day, we both go back to sleep for an hour or two.

She’s an angel in public and sleeps in the car. Everyone says how chilled she is. I feel so lucky to have struck gold with her. :unicorn:

I get great sleep too! I always got great sleep and still do. My baby sleeps next to me and sleeps soundly since I put him in bed with me. He feeds off the boob at night, and some nights he moans a little for milk, but we both do a sleepy feed before going back to sleep. My sleep tracker says I’m getting as much sleep as before, so I don’t mind.

Same! My baby girl is nearly 17 weeks and has slept through the night since 11 weeks. She sleeps 11-12 hours before we wake her up!! I go to sleep 2 hours after her and sleep a minimum of 8 hours.

Even as a newborn, she’d sleep 3-4 hour chunks, so I’ve always slept fine. She was a tiny baby (6lbs), so I don’t even know how!

We had a perfect sleeper until the 4-month sleep regression. Then it was two really rough months. After that, back to perfect. So we’ve had it good most of the time, but those two months were ROUGH! :joy:

Can the 4-month regression only be a regression in actually going to sleep? We’re experiencing that right now, but otherwise, our sleep is fine from 10 PM to 7-8 AM with a lighter baby.

Ours was the same. Then as soon as the 6-month mark hit, he was up every 2 hours. Enjoy it while you can, lol.