Trigger warning - my LO sleeps well
My LO is 3 months now. He was born 5.5KGs, which I think helped him sleep better, and I’ll explain why shortly.
All my life and throughout my pregnancy, I was trying to get as much sleep as possible, knowing that I might not sleep properly again for another decade. Everyone said, ‘Get your sleep in now, because you won’t sleep when LO is here. Your life is going to change; you’ll never sleep the same again.’ I heard stories like, ‘I didn’t sleep until my baby was in school,’ or ‘My son didn’t sleep well until he was 2’, etc.
I know those are common stories, but for some crazy reason, I think I won the parent lottery. It feels like I’m waiting for my son to have a sleep regression, but he doesn’t.
When he was first born, he would sleep for 4-6 hour stretches. Being born at 5.5KG allowed him to drink 60-80ml per feeding right away. According to the doctors, this helped him feel full longer, so I didn’t have to wake him for feedings. Just a week after birth, he started drinking 4 oz per feeding.
Weeks 2-4 were challenging because he was gassy, but that’s all. After week 4, everything was perfect again.
My LO goes to sleep at 7 PM and wakes up at 7 AM every single night. Then he takes his naps, does tummy time, plays, eats, and back to naps.
Last month, we traveled to Europe and went to Dubai, and he slept the entire 12-hour flight—it was a red-eye.
I’ve started pumping less and now give him 40% formula and 60% breast milk, which allows me to get more sleep. Last night, I slept for 10 hours! I woke up once to dream feed him and did a pump.
I have so much time for myself—I shower every day, clean our apartment, make dinner, etc.
This has just been the best for us. My husband also sleeps a full 8 hours uninterrupted every night.
Now, everyone is telling me to wait for the 4-month sleep regression, but I never share his sleep schedule unless someone specifically asks me. I feel scared and guilty. I feel guilty because everyone else is complaining about their baby’s sleep, and I feel horrible if I say that mine sleeps great. So, sometimes I’ll just say, ‘Oh yeah, he’s keeping me up all night,’ and similar things.
I guess I just needed a space to share this without being judged for showing off and also to give hope to anyone who isn’t a parent yet—that maybe, just maybe, you’ll have a unicorn baby like mine, and life can be wonderful as a parent. You may not lose any sleep and have a little munchkin who wakes up super happy and excited every day.