No matter your baby’s gender, people will always have opinions on why the opposite gender is better. I have a 6-month-old girl, and people have made comments about how boys are more fun or made remarks when I mentioned our girl. I’m completely overjoyed with her; what do you gain by putting down a baby?
I wanted a boy first, and we got one. I grew up with an older brother and wanted my partner to have a son. Our boy is adventurous and funny, yet people kept asking if I wanted a girl. Like, why? If we had a girl, cool, we’d love her the same.
People are really exhausting when it comes to this subject. Baby boys are just as special!
This isn’t the point of your post, but as someone who did IVF after two miscarriages, seeking a certain gender is just ludicrous. We wanted the best-looking embryo. It’s illegal to select gender in many other countries!
When I found out I was having a boy, I cried for a bit because I imagined a girl. Soon after, I was excited and couldn’t picture having a girl. If we have another, I hope it’s another boy. I’d take 4 if I could!
Plus, you never know; ten years from now, they may be a girl at heart! It’s wild that gender biases still affect how we treat babies.
Parker said:
Plus, you never know; ten years from now, they may be a girl at heart! It’s wild that gender biases still affect how we treat babies.
It’s absurd how we treat boys and girls differently from the start. The only thing is to acknowledge the bias and do our best; babies are babies! Gender shouldn’t dictate behavior or perception.
Can I ask a dumb question? I don’t know much about IVF—is picking the gender an option?
River said:
Can I ask a dumb question? I don’t know much about IVF—is picking the gender an option?
In the U.S., yes. In some countries, it’s illegal to choose the gender during IVF.
Yes, in most countries, it’s illegal. However, in the U.S., it can be permitted in certain clinics.
River said:
Can I ask a dumb question? I don’t know much about IVF—is picking the gender an option?
Most responses assume you’re in the U.S. It’s illegal in many places, but it’s not an easy fix. IVF can be expensive and complicated.