How soon after birth can you do stuff like go for a walk?

Hey everyone! I recently had my baby and I’m wondering when it’s okay to start walking again. How soon after giving birth did you or someone you know start walking? I would appreciate some advice and personal experiences. Thank you so much!


For my uncomplicated vaginal birth:

  • I could walk around with ease the next day, though I felt lightheaded due to blood loss, which is why it took that long.
  • I was advised to wait two weeks before heading out for a walk.
  • I was cleared for sex and told I could start easing back into exercise at six weeks, but I didn’t feel 100% normal until around 12 weeks.

Listen to your body and your medical professionals, and don’t push yourself before you’re ready.

My wife had an emergency C-section, and afterward, her body swelled up quite a bit. It took weeks for the swelling in her legs and feet to go down. She could walk around the house once she got home, but she moved very slowly. She didn’t drive or lift the car seat until about 8 weeks. She felt completely back to normal around 10-12 weeks.