How long do I wait?

Hello, I’m a new father of a gorgeous 8-week-old baby girl.

I was thinking when she should acquire a job and start paying rent. We keep the heating on all the time for her and are constantly buying diapers and other necessities, which is getting pricey.

How many weeks did your baby acquire a job and start paying bills, etc.?

Pay attention to her work windows; they should be getting longer now, and you may maximize efficiency if you look for them and follow her indications.

I’m sorry, but your baby should have had a job weeks ago and is now far behind. My four-week-old started working at two weeks old and is now paying all of our bills and has some disposable income. You should consult with a specialist at this stage.

OP, here is your answer! My 6-week-old was really delayed on this milestone, so we went to employment therapy. He’s now preparing for his first performance review. Trust me, it’s worthwhile!

Have they have any WFH experience while in utero? That was something that I believe elevated my girl’s application to the next level! She’s five months old today and one “accident” away from being the CFO of a Fortune 500 firm! I’d say I’m proud, but that’s to be expected.

Has your youngster demonstrated any talent for a specific sector of work? If your baby hasn’t demonstrated any interest in a career, you should contact with your pediatrician. At this point, they should consider going to trade school.

Mine is 8 months and has been putting out applications since in the womb and has had no luck with even an interview. I’m getting frustrated.

Personally, I thought it would be terrible to send the baby to work, even if it was a wfh computer job, while I was on leave. Instead, he did his part by managing my personal communications and the family finances. Seeing the price of diapers helped him concentrate his usage (no more waiting for a new one to perform a poopy!).

When I returned to work, my productivity rose since baby self-soothed during those nighttime wake-ups by dealing with my inbox and updating spreadsheets, all while I got my 9 hours of sleep!

But this is exactly what worked for my family! I’m sure any direction she picks will be ideal for you!

Congratulations on being so proactive! I think I’ve failed as a mother because my 8-month-old refuses to contribute to the household. She won’t be able to purchase her own house with all the avocado toast she eats.

They’re never too young to begin preparing for the job they desire! I recommend purchasing her a baby pickaxe and hard cap right away so she becomes acquainted with the tools of her work more quickly!

You might be too late. You may have a stay-at-home daughter who relies on you for all credit card payments to support her extravagant lifestyle. You squandered the opportunity to get her a working partner.

I’m considering getting my baby a job at the gas factory :rofl:

I needed to chuckle today, and you made it happen. Thank you :joy::skull_and_crossbones:

This thread just made my week. :joy: