14 months. Not very snuggly but started giving kisses. Only snuggly when tired.
10 months and my baby will give quick hugs and lay on my chest for like 10 seconds then get back up. He will only snuggle when he’s really tired and we are putting him to bed.
My husband was the same way as a baby! Now his love language is touch haahha.
Yes! My son as a baby didn’t like to cuddle or be touched much. But now at just over 2, he is a big cuddle bug.
My oldest was like this. It was straight distressing to my husband. He thought we broke her lol
Fast forward to her being the cuddliest twelve year old ever. She and I have a nightly ritual of brushing her hair and then snuggling before I say good night. She loves random hugs during the day. I would say the tide turned at about 3.
By 10 months my daughter was occasionally just leaning against me, or resting her head on me.
Now at just shy of 1 year I get big open mouthed kisses and she wraps her arms round my neck and nuzzles in and sometimes she just wants to sit on my lap. And it’s the best thing ever.
My 7 month old decides when he wants to be cuddly. It’s usually first thing in the morning or last thing before bed. Sometimes during the day too. Anyways yeah he decides and then wiggles til he’s out back down.
Thanks for all the replies! I’m hoping the cuddles come with age but I’ll be fine if it never comes! I’ll just take what I can get for now and hope she comes to daddy for comfort in her own ways! I also appreciate the perspective that highlights her independence. She’s very independent and easy to watch.
My 15 month old is only snuggly when she’s hit herself or when she’s tired. And even then I’m lucky to get a minute before she’s off on her next adventure.
Books have been our savior there. She can sit for quite a while on my lap, leaning back and looking at a book together.
And as a teacher: Read to your kids! Yes, from as early as possible!
My 8 month old is excessively cuddly but he’s been a velcro baby since Day 1. From what I’ve seen from my much older nieces and nephews their personality traits are very evident from early on and the non snuggly ones never became snuggly and vice versa. Sorry.
Try rolling her on her side when you bring her in for a snuggle. It’s hard to describe, but like if you here going to do a barbell curl with her.
Odd angles like that seem to provide enough entertainment to allow for a little cuddling.