My baby is four months old and is recovering from his first cold. It has spread throughout the house, and my husband and I are both quite ill. I feel really terrible. Because I am breastfeeding, I am only able to take certain medications. To top it off, LO is experiencing the four-month regression, so he was awake every hour last night. I feel like I got struck by a bus.
This. We’ve also recently recovered from a severe cold. My husband and I both got it, and we’re dealing with teething. It’s been an extremely tough week.
My family recently recovered from a series of illnesses. Husband and I had it, as did our two-year-old and seven-month-old. I was trembling from a fever while making my two-year-old’s lunch and loading the dishwasher. Then I don’t get any sleep at night because my 7-month-old doesn’t sleep through the night. Shit is rough. But, as others have noted, the stomach bug is worse. We went through that in March.
This. My first stomach flu as a father, and all I remember is my one-year-old slapping me in the head with the toilet seat while I vomited my life away. Good times.
Woke up for a middle-of-the-night feed, had to vomit while holding her, thought to myself, “Deloy diaper box will work,” puked in diaper box, diaper box (obviously) leaked puke everywhere. I cleaned that up this morning. Yuck.
Yup. I got COVID plus a severe stomach sickness (separately) and was pretty much bedridden for about two days. I’ve never felt more grateful for my hubby.
Stomach flus can be really rough and often require extra help, especially depending on who gets sick at the same time.
Thank goodness my husband and I never caught the stomach bug simultaneously. Since these bugs are usually short-lived, it often went like this: the baby gets sick and throws up on me, and then once the baby is feeling better, I’m the one hurling my guts out. Somehow, my husband managed to avoid all the stomach flu, probably because I was nursing and always ended up covered in vomit! But honestly, I’m grateful for it, because he could take care of the baby while I was stuck in bed.