Apple Watch users, try using theater mode when putting your baby down

I wanted to share something because my Apple Watch has woken my baby a few times. I just realized I can turn on theater mode to avoid that. Just in case anyone else is dealing with mom brain like I am.

I don’t have an Apple Watch, but this feels like a fun fact I’ll remember forever.

Does the screen never light up in that mode? I have an older watch, so I’m not sure if I have this.

Devin said:
Does the screen never light up in that mode? I have an older watch, so I’m not sure if I have this.

It will light up if you tap it twice, but not just from movement.

Lior said:

Devin said:
Does the screen never light up in that mode? I have an older watch, so I’m not sure if I have this.

It will light up if you tap it twice, but not just from movement.

That’s my issue when I’m trying to put my daughter in her crib; it lights up right in her face when I need to stroke her hair to soothe her.

How do you activate theater mode? And how do you lock the screen? My kid often hits the touchscreen, and I looked for a way to lock it but couldn’t figure it out.

Ari said:
How do you activate theater mode? And how do you lock the screen? My kid often hits the touchscreen, and I looked for a way to lock it but couldn’t figure it out.

I use the water lock feature when I want to see the screen but don’t want baby hands messing with it.

Ari said:
How do you activate theater mode? And how do you lock the screen? My kid often hits the touchscreen, and I looked for a way to lock it but couldn’t figure it out.

There’s a button just below the crown. On mine, it looks like a mask symbol beside the flashlight.

I set up a shortcut that turns on theater mode when I activate focus mode for do not disturb. It’s super handy.

My daughter loves my watch, and theater mode is the only way to stop her from texting random people or starting workouts. We call it ‘putting the watch to sleep.’

Wow, thank you! How did I not think of this?

My watch has been on silent and theater mode since my baby was born, and this was also true for the first year of my second child :joy:.

I found this mode thanks to my baby when she was playing with my watch and turned it on. I ended up googling why my watch wouldn’t light up or what the mask symbol was :joy:. Now that I know, I still use it even with her as a toddler when I have to settle her at night!

I started doing this last week since I was so tired of the bright screen shining on my baby’s face as I laid her down :joy:.

One of my favorite features is the red light mode on the flashlight! I can check on the little one without shining a bright light on him!