Anyone else's kid learned to roll over and immediately became a stomach sleeper?

Our little boy can now reliably roll both ways, which I expected to cause me a lot of concern as he sleeps, but it has actually helped. Now that he can roll to his stomach, he’s sleeping almost all night, whereas previously, he was waking up every hour from 2 to 7. Has anyone else had this happen?

yes, immediately lol. once he learned he can sleep on his stomach there was no turning back. he now sleeps face down and butt up in the air. its so cute. he wakes up with drool down his side and his hair is wavy like Elvis. He was a good sleeper beforehand but would wake around 5:30 or 6 until he could roll. Now he sleeps from 7:30-7:30 on his stomach.

When mine started to roll, he would instantly roll onto his stomach in his cot while we patted him to sleep. It was so comical to us how deliberate it was.

Yes, it is so quick and purposeful that it cracks us up. He refuses to be rocked anymore for fear of falling asleep on his back. :joy:

Yes, basically. Our kid sleeps in a variety of positions, but probably 75% of the time on her stomach. She’s a small Tasmanian devil in there, but she’s sleeping, so everything’s fine.

Yes, with both of my children. Their sleep improved significantly right away. My baby went from waking up every 1.5-2 hours to sleeping from 8 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. My youngster went from every one hour to every four. Not amazing, but an improvement.

I’m hoping my little one will soon learn to front-to-back roll, as he already knows back-front down.I have a feeling he’ll be a stomach sleeper, but we can’t let him do it just now.

My LO rolls from front to back but has yet to figure out how to reverse. When he becomes caught on his stomach, he flails like a turkey and cries.

Yes!! This is precisely what mine does. Roll the airplane so that no limbs touch the ground, then flail and yell.

Yup my little girl too :sweat_smile::face_exhaling:

Yes, my baby still sleeps on her belly now that she is one. When I put her down, she almost always rolls over to her belly. I don’t blame her; I also enjoy sleeping on my belly.

Yep . 3 weeks in, and I’ve finally relaxed about him sleeping facedown.

Yes! He truly rolled over unassisted for the first time this weekend (after doing it with assistance for several days) and now rolls onto his belly as soon as we put him down to sleep. The transition to the crib happened sooner than we expected…

Our baby is approximately four months old and is doing the same thing. He has excellent head control and mobility, so I am not going to resist it. We shift him to his side and back as frequently as can, but he still wakes up face down.

Yes! As soon as she could roll to her stomach, she did it every night and started sleeping longer stretches.

Yes, and he used to refuse to sleep on his stomach!! If he wakes up or becomes restless, I can simply pat him and he will return to sleep. It’s been fantastic.

We spent a week staying up with him, rolling him on his back again. Finally, he did some reading and consulted his doctor. However, babies will sleep in whatever position makes them most comfortable. For the time being, just keep an eye on him to ensure he is not face down and is breathing properly.